Hospital germs MRSA investigation in Saarland
MRSA screening
Hospital germs: Before a patient is admitted to a clinic, an area-wide MRSA examination is carried out in the Saarland.
In Saarland, the first results of a comprehensive MRSA screening were presented, in which every patient who was admitted to a clinic was examined for multidrug-resistant strains of staphylococci.
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) are particularly prevalent in hospitals and lead repeatedly to dangerous infections, the worst case life-threatening diseases such as pneumonia, inflammation of the endocarditis (endocarditis) or blood poisoning (sepsis) can trigger. Therefore, the Saarland-based MRSAar network initiated a nationwide screening in October, in which every patient was automatically examined for MRSA as part of a hospital admission. Since then, more than 20,000 patients have been screened for MRSA at their hospital inpatients and the first data have now been presented to the public at the University Hospital in Homburg. About every fiftieth patient drags the pathogens into the hospital.
According to the responsible of the university hospital for the first time in such a recording prevalence screening for MRSA dissemination, the methodology for the detection of dangerous hospital germs has been significantly improved. For the first time, a uniform procedure was applied in all Saarland hospitals during the investigation period and, in addition, a so-called WASP® robot was used for the analysis, which processed the additional microbiological samples in an automated procedure. The use of the „Walk-Away Specimen Processor“ (WASP) to create the microbiological samples was a novelty Germany-wide and automates a previously only by hand to be done operation. With their findings, the researchers of the University of Saarland hope to make a contribution to the discussion to be able to afford the general standards of hospital hygiene.
The data available to date for the nationwide screening show that 405 of the 20,000 patients examined (2.02 percent) carried MRSA germs during hospitalization in Saarland hospitals. „The first result shows that we in Saarland do not live in a land of bliss“, explained Professor Mathias Herrmann, Director of the Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene at the University of Saarland. In order to record the bacterial load of the patients, all inpatients were checked for MRSA by a simple smear examination of the pharynx and the nasal cavities. MRSA pathogens had been detected in a total of 392 nasopharyngeal smears and, in addition, 13 wound smears had been contaminated with the dangerous hospital germs. According to the Saarland Minister of Health Georg Weisweiler (FDP), the high attendance rates, which during the first phase of the investigation totaled more than 80 per cent, and were even well above 90 per cent in numerous clinics, were also pleasing. „I am therefore very pleased that (...) all clinics participate in the investigation without exception. Through comprehensive screening, we have the unique opportunity to get an overview of the risk factors and MRSA loads (...)“, emphasized the Minister of Health. „The simultaneous and consistent approach of all hospitals to MRSA diagnostics for the duration of the screening prevalence screening will be of great value for the comparability of the results and therefore for justified consequences based on epidemiological data“, added Professor dr. Mathias Herrmann.
MRSA are staphylococcal pathogens that are resistant to all common market available beta-lactam antibiotics such as penicillin and only to the treatment with so-called „Reserve antibiotics“ speak to. MRSA are relatively common in hospitals, rehabilitation facilities and nursing homes, and are also a significant problem here. An extrapolation from the Robert Koch Institute shows that in Germany in 2008, around 132,000 hospital patients suffered from an infection with MRSA. According to experts, around 1,500 people die annually due to MRSA infection. For Saarland, Professor Dr. Mathias Herrmann on the basis of the first results of the current screening, the conclusion: „The numbers make it clear that the problem is undoubtedly not less with us than in other areas of Germany, perhaps even slightly larger. At the same time we also learn that we have no reason for panic.“ (Fp)
Also read:
Hospital germs: Staphylococci prefer blood
Risk of infection in the hospital
Resistant bacteria in German hospitals
Picture: Gerd Altmann