Sick by work stress

Sick by work stress / Health News

Sick by work stress. In Germany, the sick leave due to mental illness due to stress in the profession since the nineties almost doubled, said the Federal Psychotherapeutic Chamber.

In Germany, the sick leave due to mental illness due to stress in the profession since the nineties almost doubled, said the Federal Psychotherapeutic Chamber. The costs incurred by treatments such as depressive symptoms amount to over four billion euros. One reason, however, could be due to the fact that in recent years a part of indefinable pain and organ complaints can be classified as causally psychological in nature. There are serious differences between cities and rural areas and between West and East. In the West and in the cities of Germany, the situation seems to be more tense, because here more mental illnesses are recorded - especially in the cities of Berlin and Hamburg many cases of mental illness were registered.

According to the Federal Psychotherapy Chamber, a serious cause is bad working conditions. Low pay and time constraints are growing factors in jobs and can lead to dissatisfaction, loss of self-esteem and frustration. Of course, the general tense economic situation is also reflected in all those who feel the need to feel and cushion this when dealing with customers.

It has long been pointed out in naturopathy that physical and emotional complaints interact and that this fact need not only be taken into account in one treatment. In everyday life and especially in professional life, not only economic factors should play a role. In the sense of the salutogenesis of Antonovsky, the meaningfulness in a person's life would be an important factor. Because the Federal Psychotherapeutic Chamber also points out: A relationship or a meaningful activities such as hobbies can help the individual to better compensate for negative working conditions and thus less to suffer from the consequences of work stress. (Thorsten Fischer, Naturopath Osteopathy, 24.03.2010)

Additional information:
Depression (Depressed Syndrome)