Low-cost sunscreens should be better

Low-cost sunscreens should be better / Health News

Stiftung Warentest: Affordable children's sun creams protect against UV rays better than expensive ones.

(25.06.2010) As the Stiftung Warentest announced, cheap sun creams are better for children than comparably expensive sunscreen products. A total of 20 sun creams were tested, 11 products got the title "good", the most expensive product tested for 21 euros (Ultrasun Professional Protection Kids), however, got only the grade "sufficient". As the magazine "test" announced, however, all products were able to comply with the sun protection factor 30 and 50 respectively. There were no complaints here.

Children's sunscreens were tested to determine whether they comply with the sun protection factor, how waterproof the cream is, and how effectively the products protect against UVA and UVB rays. Health-related aspects did not seem to be included, for example, if the sunscreen uses chemical or natural substances. Because in some sun creams are still PEG / PEG derivatives used, which make the skin more pollutant for pollutants. It was not known whether the products tested also had such chemical substances. In addition, contained fragrances in the lotions can cause allergies. We therefore join the recommendation of "eco-test" to rely on natural cosmetics, as they do not use chemical UV filters. In addition, the best protection is to protect children from direct sunlight. This also includes avoiding the midday sun. Children should also play in the shade instead of being exposed to the sun all the time.

Another important note is that parents should be careful about "water resistant". Even if the packaging indicates that the product is water-resistant, it could be observed in the test series that the water-based lotions lose 50% protection in the water. Therefore, children should first be dried after bathing and then creamed again. All test results can be found in the new issue of "test". (Sb)

Also read:
First aid with sunburn
Eco-test: carcinogenic substances in shower gels
Nanoparticles in the sunscreen

Image: Rainer Sturm /Pixelio.de.