Reimbursement of cancer oncothermia?

Reimbursement of cancer oncothermia? / Health News

Oncothermia in cancer and the position of health insurance: „New focus on reimbursement of heat therapy.“


„It is good if some health insurance companies focus more on complementary services to cancer, which makes the lives of cancer patients more liveable“, says Prof. dr. András Szász, founder of oncothermia, on the occasion of the transfer of an oncothermic system to the Veramed Clinic at Wendelstein in the Bavarian Brannenburg. Szász refers to a report from the Bavarian health insurance fund and the Union health insurance.

They want, so the cash registers: “in the future, services that go far beyond the acquisition of illness and treatment costs“, get into the focus: „In addition to eye laser treatments, care in the field of complementary medicine will be reimbursed in the future. Through cooperation with the Center of Competence for Complementary Medicine and Naturopathy of the Munich Klinikum Rechts der Isar, cancer patients can obtain information about accompanying measures, which are located in the field of complementary medicine.“ Count „Complementary medicine for cancer patients is one of the major treatments that make living with the life-threatening disease more liveable“, so the health insurance companies. (Pm)