Correct use of cannabis patient instructions required

Correct use of cannabis patient instructions required / Health News
Pharmacists should educate patients about cannabis
The federal government is currently preparing a law that plans to cover the costs of health insurance for medical cannabis. Already in 2017, there could be corresponding medicines at cash costs. Pharmacists say patients who need cannabis for medical reasons also need "a clear user guide".

Positive effect on health
The fact that marijuana has a positive effect on health has been proven many times scientifically, for example with complaints such as nausea and vomiting. In fact, cannabis has long been used in medicine for the treatment of, for example, chronic pain or against spasticity and convulsions in multiple sclerosis (MS). So far, patients have to pay the cost of so-called medical hemp out of pocket. And the cannabis drugs in pharmacies are expensive. Only in individual cases pay the cash. Last summer, 90 percent of Germans said in a survey for easier access to cannabis for patients. Meanwhile, the policy has responded.

From 2017 onwards, some patients may be given cannabis at the cost of the health insurance. Pharmacists say, sufferers need "a clear user guide" for it. (Image: goodmanphoto /

Facilitate access to cannabis
The "Act amending narcotics and other regulations", which is currently being drafted, "aims to enable patients with serious illnesses to be given appropriate indications and with no alternative therapies" for standardized therapeutic purposes for use in pharmacies for therapeutic purposes to obtain". The new law is intended to replace the provision whereby the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) must issue an individual exemption for each patient for the purchase of cannabis. Not all agree with the changes. Thus, doctors in Germany have spoken out against free marijuana on medical insurance. The German Medical Association (BÄK) pointed out that so-called medicinal hemp "does not allow precise dosing". In addition, his use as a joint is linked to the "health risks of tobacco smoking".

Patients need "a clear user guide"
The fact that cannabis is not a miracle cure, also know the experts of the Federal Chamber of Pharmacists (BAK). A central message of the symposium "Cannabis as medicines - Facts and Challenges", which BÄK organized in Berlin, is that patients who need medical cannabis should not be let down when using the medicine. "If cannabis is prescribed by doctors and given by pharmacists as a prescription drug, then the patients need a clear instructions for use, including the necessary tools," said Dr. med. Andreas Kiefer, President of the Federal Chamber of Pharmacists in a press release.

For inhaling or drinking
"Smoking cannabis as a 'joint' is problematic because the dose that arrives in the blood is not reproducible. This makes every patient a guinea pig himself, every time. This is incompatible with modern and scientifically based drug therapy, "said Kiefer, who is also chairman of the German Drug Codex / New Formulation Form (DAC / NRF). "We are working on recipe prescriptions that will enable the pharmaceutically correct use and dosage of cannabis flowers and extracts." According to experts, among other cannabis flowers and extracts for inhalation with an evaporator in the discussion. Or also applications for drinking.

Only suitable for some patients
Kiefer commented positively on the intention of the legislator to prevent self-cultivation by patients. He said that in the case of morphine, doctors would not give patients opium poppy and let them do their pain therapy alone. The head of the Federal Patent Office at the BfArM, Dr. med. Peter Cremer-Schaeffer also welcomed the project: "Currently, 779 patients have special exemptions. These are no longer exceptions. "But:" Cannabis is not a panacea and is only suitable for patients in whom other medicines do not show sufficient relief. This is evidenced by systematic reviews that point to the lack of studies and evidence in the use of cannabis for the treatment of pain, convulsions, palliative care or concomitantly in cancer treatment, "said Prof. Dr. med. med. Michael Schäfer, President of the German Pain Society. (Ad)