Context between intestinal flora and diabetes shows the latest approaches to therapy

Context between intestinal flora and diabetes shows the latest approaches to therapy / Health News
Diabetes risk is significantly influenced by the intestinal flora
According to current estimates, around 400 million people in the world are suffering from diabetes, which makes so-called diabetes one of the most common metabolic diseases in the world, according to the Medical University of Graz. In recent years, it has increasingly been shown that the intestinal flora plays an important role in the development of obesity and type 2 diabetes. A recent research project at the University of Graz therefore deals with the modification of the intestinal microbiome in order to be able to actively influence overweight or diabetes.

At the Medical University of Graz, a number of innovative research projects are dealing with new therapeutic approaches for the treatment of diabetes. In the current research on intestinal microbiome, the scientists are investigating "whether the administration of a probiotic over an extended period of time can actively control the obesity, the blood sugar control, and the response to insulin or insulin production in the pancreas," according to Med Uni Graz.

The intestinal flora has a significant influence on the development of obesity and the risk of diabetes. (Image: Alex /

Overweight at the center of health research
The information provided by the research team headed by Professor According to Harald Sourij of Med Uni Graz, obesity and diabetes mellitus are likely to be the biggest challenge for our healthcare system over the coming decades. "Estimates from the Obesity Task Force say there are more than a billion overweight people worldwide, and almost half a billion suffer from obesity," says Professor Sourij. Because increasing body weight also increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, strokes or cancer, overweight has become the focus of health research today

Altered intestinal flora in overweight
According to the researchers, recent research has shown that the intestinal flora play an important role in the development of obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus. The bacterial composition in the intestine in overweight persons differs significantly from normal weight. Only when overweight persons lose weight again, the balance of the intestinal microbiome is reached again. "The composition of the microbiome affects chronic inflammatory processes and the body's response to insulin, which is directly linked to diabetes," Harald Sourij continues.

Research on new therapeutic approaches
In another research project, the University of Graz is currently testing novel 70-centimeter-long plastic tubing (EndoBarrierTM), which is attached to the stomach via gastroscopy and prevents contact between the food brush and the intestinal wall over this 70 cm. This procedure has been proven to lead to a significant weight reduction, reports the Med Uni Graz. In the ongoing project, the Graz researchers now want to find out "how the intervention affects the endocrine system of the body and in turn investigate the changes in the intestinal microbiome in order to gain further important information in the fight against diabetes," the statement of the medical University. (Fp)