Context Children of smoking parents are often fat

Context Children of smoking parents are often fat / Health News
Children of smoking parents are getting rather fat
That passive smoking harms health has been proven in numerous scientific studies. Especially adolescents are overly affected by cigarette smoking. A new study now shows that children of smoking parents later also get fat.

Passive smoking kills hundreds of thousands of people
It has long been known that tobacco consumption endangers not only the health of the smoker himself but also those around him. Years ago, World Health Organization (WHO) international surveys found that passive smoking kills 600,000 people annually. According to health experts, passive smoke can cause heart diseases such as heart attacks, respiratory diseases such as asthma and lung cancer. Recently, a study was published that suggested an increased risk of stroke from secondhand smoke. Especially children are affected by the smoke of their parents health.

Image: kwanchaichaiudom - fotolia

Children's health is affected by the smoke of parents
Passive smoking harms adolescents immensely. The inhaled pollutants often lead to lung and bronchial complaints or allergies at a young age. In addition, passive smoking in children causes hypertension. Studies have shown that children from smoker households are about twice the risk of respiratory disease. Infants of smoking parents also die more often from "sudden infant death". And even the milk teeth are affected by secondhand smoke. According to a report by "", Canadian researchers have discovered that parental cigarette consumption also affects the future body weight of children. According to this, children of smoking parents have a 43 percent higher risk of being overweight at the age of ten.

Children of smokers will get fat later
In the "Quebec Longitudinal Study of Child Development", among other things, the scientists determined how passive smoking affects the development of the offspring. According to the website of the "Berufsverband der Kinder- und Jugendärzte eV", Professor Linda Pagani explained: "Small children have a higher oxygen demand per kilogram of body weight than adults due to their immature vital organ systems, which requires around two to three times more ventilation "Obviously, children's metabolism is massively confused by passive smoking - much more so than in adult adults - and results in a 43 percent increase in the risk of being overweight in teenage years.

Impact on social behavior
However, passive smoking not only affects children physically but also mentally. As early as 2013, Canadian scientists also found out that cigarette smoke has a negative effect on the behavior of children and adolescents. According to the University of Montreal study at that time, adolescents exposed to passive smoking as small children later showed increased signs of antisocial or aggressive traits. Reasons enough to protect people - especially children - better from the smoke of smokers. In the UK, an important step has recently been taken. There was a lawful smoking ban adopted in the car - at least if minors ride. (Ad)