Contaminated toilet These are almost all mistakes on the toilet

Contaminated toilet These are almost all mistakes on the toilet / Health News

Toilet visit: This error spread when flushing pathogens

The process of visiting a toilet is usually not even talked about with family members or good friends. Nevertheless, it might be worthwhile to address a mistake most people make on the loo. This could reduce the spread of pathogens.

Pathogens on the toilet

Many people find it uncomfortable to visit public toilets. After all, many pathogens can frolic there. But germs can also lurk on the domestic toilet. And among other things because of a mistake made by most toilet visitors.

Many people make a mistake when visiting the toilet, which can spread dangerous pathogens. (Image: Igor Mojzes /

Close the toilet lid before flushing

That it can sometimes be a bit unhygienic on the toilet is clear to most people. Some people place toilet paper on the toilet seat to protect themselves from germs.

One thing is not considered by the vast majority of people:

When rinsing, the toilet lid should be closed!

This also advises the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) on its portal "": "Before rinsing best close the toilet lid."

Then open the toilet lid again and remove residual dirt with a toilet brush.

"Press the flush again after closing the toilet lid. By closing the lid should be avoided that sprayed during rinsing pathogens in the environment, "said the experts.

Threaten gastrointestinal diseases

Also the specialist for hygiene and environmental medicine, Dr. med. med. Ernst Tabori, recommends these hygiene rules. In a post by the online newspaper "Huffington Post" he explains: "When rinsing it comes to a spray cloud."

"Many intestinal germs, which hide in smaller drops, so get to the surfaces in the bathroom," says the expert of the German Advisory Center for Hygiene on.

Among other things, the pathogens splash on towels, toothbrushes and other hygiene and care products that are in the room.

For example, if you dry yourself off with a towel or brush your teeth with a toothbrush, the bacteria can enter your body and, in the worst case, cause gastrointestinal disease. (Ad)