Contact lenses can cause eye infections and serious eye damage

Contact lenses can cause eye infections and serious eye damage / Health News
When wearing contact lenses, some important points should be noted
Many people in the world today wear contact lenses. These aids are intended to correct most optical vision defects in a safe and efficient manner. Researchers have now discovered that improper use of contact lenses can lead to serious eye infections and even long-term damage.

Scientists from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found in an investigation that improper use of contact lenses can lead to eye disease and long-term serious injury. The physicians published a report with the results of their investigation in the "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report".

Many people today wear contact lenses instead of glasses. However, there are some things to keep in mind when using contact lenses regularly. Only in this way can permanent damage to the eye be avoided. (Image: Pavel Chernobrivets /

What are contact lenses exactly?
So-called contact lenses are visual aids, which were developed as an alternative to glasses. Contact lenses float on a fine tear film in our eye. The contact lens does not directly touch the cornea of ​​our eye. There are soft or hard contact lenses. In certain cases, the statutory health insurance companies in Germany bear part of the cost of using contact lenses.

One in five Americans with contact lenses suffers from an eye infection
The results of the new study suggest that one in five Americans contracted an eye infection because the person was using contact lenses. This process leads to damage to the eyes. Between 2005 and 2015 alone, there were 1,075 contact lens-related infections, the researchers say. These triggered injuries to the eye, such as a scarred cornea and the loss of vision. Some of the resulting injuries could later be treated only by a cornea transplant, add the doctors. Previous studies warned in 2015 that contact lenses increase the susceptibility to eye infections.

Ten percent of the infections could only be treated by emergency care
More than ten percent of contact lens infections had to be treated through emergency care in a hospital or in emergency clinics, the experts explain. Even the smallest eye damage can be a significant disruption to the person's life. Some of these cases required patients to visit an ophthalmologist every day. Others had to treat their infected eye with eye drops every hour.

Avoid damage caused by contact lenses
In the US alone, around 41 million people use contact lenses. These use them as an alternative to prescription glasses, the experts say. The researchers found in the CDC study that many infections and eye damage could easily be avoided. This would require users to better care for their contact lenses and to deal with them more responsibly. For example, contact lenses should be removed before sleeping, explain the scientists. In addition, the maximum wearing time of the contact lenses should be considered. Many people wear their contact lenses longer than the recommended time, the researchers add.

Contact lens wearers should go to the examination once a year
Regular wearers of contact lenses should consult an ophthalmologist or optometrist at least once a year. This has the ability to determine the vision of the patient. Besides, such an expert can also judge the overall health of our eyes.

Be sure to buy contact lenses only from reliable providers
Contact lenses in the US should generally have been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the researchers explain. Also, when buying, be sure to note that contact lenses are purchased from trusted providers. It's best to avoid buying from online contact lens retailers, the doctors advise. These are unable to determine an exact prescription. For this reason, then false visual aids could be sent. As a result of wearing inappropriate contact lenses irreversible loss of vision may occur, warn the experts.

How do I avoid permanent eye damage and lack of oxygen?
In order to avoid damage to the eyes, they should never share their contact lenses with other people. Avoid cleaning with tap water and use only special cleaning solutions for contact lenses, the scientists advise. Do not wear scratched contact lenses. Scratched contact lenses reduce their eyesight. Make sure your contact lenses are always clean and never sleep while you're still wearing your contact lenses. Users should also pay attention to the permitted wearing time of contact lenses. Thus, permanent eye damage caused by bacterial infections and lack of oxygen can be avoided.

Also often wear glasses
Patients should not only wear contact lenses. Wear normal glasses as often as possible, the researchers say. This reduces the risk and irritation to your eyes. For example, wear contact lenses only during the day at work. When you get home, wear normal glasses again. Or just use the glasses for the entire weekend. Also, you should never go swimming with your contact lenses, warn the authors. (As)