Contact allergy through nickel More health hazards than previously known

Contact allergy through nickel More health hazards than previously known / Health News
Many people are allergic to nickel. A Swedish study now shows that nickel is contained in far more products than the European authorities have realized.

In 2001, the European Union (94/27 / EC) Directive, which regulates the nickel content of commodities, came into force. The goal was to reduce the risk of nickel allergies. Commodities in contact with skin may not release more than 0.5 μg nickel / cm2 / week according to the Directive.

Nickel or chemicals irritate the immune system. Image: Henrie - fotolia

Swedish physicians have now discovered that significantly more everyday items than those mentioned in the ordinance release nickel. These include thimbles, crochet hooks, knitting needles, needles, brushes, pens, laptops, fitness bracelets, computer mice, cell phones, handbags, purses and umbrellas.

The doctors now demand that more items be included in the EU regulation. Particularly striking for the scientists were the nickel values ​​for the electronic devices. The study can be found here (pm).