Congress Variety of Methods - Homeopathy through the ages

The German Central Association of Homeopathic Doctors (DZVhÄ) is hosting this year's congress from 26 to 28 May at the Maritim Congress Center in Bremen. About 550 doctors are expected, the motto is: "Still Hahnemann? Variety of methods - homeopathy through the ages. "

An eclectic congress program awaits the participants of this 165th DZVhÄ-Jahrestagung. About 30 speakers will deal with lectures and seminars in a practical way with medical topics related to homeopathy. The core topic of the congress is described by Dr. med. med. Ina Chammah, Chair of the Congress Team: "Since Hahnemann's formulation of the principle of similars, there have been many interpretations about the way to find the most similar remedy. We will make room for this variety of methods at the congress. "
Homeopathy in the clinic is gaining importance
Homeopathy in the clinic is well spread and established in the German-speaking countries, therefore this is the first time a separate series of events takes place at a DZVhÄ-annual conference. The goal is to provide the patient with a homoeopathic supply chain that is as closed as possible in the future. Because clinic needs ambulance and outpatient medicine needs the clinic.
Patron is the Bremer health senator
Prof. Dr. In her welcome address, Eva Quante-Brandt emphasizes the necessity of method pluralism in medicine: "As a health senator, I attach great importance to the importance of various methods in human medicine. A qualified appreciation of even unconventional methods, I consider essential. The continuous medical advancement is unimaginable without conventional medicine as well as alternative approaches. "
Bremen President of the Medical Association writes greetings to the participants
Dr. med. Heidrun Gitter welcomes the growing number of physicians "who have acquired additional titles in complementary medicine. This is pleasing, because the structured training ensures the quality of treatment and limits medical knowledge against dubious healing methods. "
Take advantage of the discounted early registration until March 23, 2016
For the participation in the congress 20 points are awarded for the DZVhÄ homeopathy diploma. The Landesärztekammer Bremen certifies the congress with 15 CME training points (6 points on Thursday and Friday, 3 points on Saturday). The registration form, the program and all other information can be found at (Pm)