Complexity and individuality - homeopathy in multimorbid patients

Patients with multiple diagnoses and older age are increasing in medical practices. "The theme of the congress reflects exactly this everyday reality," says the Berlin doctor Dr. med. Ursula Dohms, who heads the organization team, adds to the complexity of a case. "We meet this challenge with a homeopathic treatment that takes into account the individuality of the patient," explains Dohms. Prerequisite for this is a close coordination between doctor and patient regarding the treatment goal - be it healing, palliation, homeopathy as an adjunct therapy or the treatment of side effects. "Homeopathy has answers to medically pressing questions of our time, such as severe chronic diseases," says Cornelia Bajic, chairwoman of the DZVhÄ, from her practice.
The general practitioner Bruno Mey from Tübingen will report on his experiences with the homeopathic treatment of multimorbid patients in primary care at the DZVhÄ-Kongress in May. "It's very satisfying, because these high compliance patients are good at observing things, which makes our job a lot easier, but also because they are pleased and grateful to register how much better their quality of life is over purely conventional treatment," Mey writes abstract.
Dr. Klaus von Ammon, University of Bern, takes up the difficult topic of pediatric oncology in Köthen. Homeopathy has long been known as sole or additional therapy in childhood cancer. Kinderonkologische experiences from Bern is called his lecture, in which pursued by Ammon also the question of what results in the areas of tumor disease, side effects and quality of life can be achieved.
And what does science say about homeopathy? This question is Jens Behnke, Carstens Foundation, in the opening lecture to the bottom. Behnke initially presents the current state of homeopathic research. Since the relationship between homeopathy and science has always been a tense one, in his lecture Behnke advocates a minimal consensus between physicians and critics. The German Homeopathy Congress 2015 is supplemented by a trade exhibition and a patient's day.
A solid medical education and many years of practical experience in basic medical care form the basis for a safe, effective and differentiated use of homeopathy. At the German Homeopathy Congress, topics from practice are generally discussed. It is the annual highlight of the training, the forum for the exchange of homeopathic doctors. The congress is recognized, the respective regional medical association honors the participation with continuing education credits.
The DZVhÄ is the oldest German medical association founded in 1829 in Köthen (Anhalt), the city in which Dr. med. Samuel Hahnemann lived from 1821 to 1835 and further developed homeopathy. Homeopathy is present in many places in the city: the Hahnemann House, the European Library of Homeopathy, the Lutze Clinic, the Memorial ... (pm)