Does the Kitaplatz come exclusively for vaccinated children?

Majority of Germans for coupling Kitaplatz to vaccinations
Over the past few months, health experts have repeatedly criticized the fact that too few children receive the measles vaccine. The lack of vaccine protection poses a danger to the general population. One measure to address the problem could be a coupling of Kitaplatz to vaccination. The majority of Germans are in favor.
Discussion about compulsory vaccination
Especially in connection with measles is discussed again and again about a possible vaccination in Germany. In Italy, such was introduced by law last year. In France, too, there is one - not only against measles, but also against several other infectious diseases. A majority of Germans would also welcome the obligation to vaccinate, but many experts are against it. They rely more on education than vaccination. However, pediatricians are now again in favor of compulsory vaccination in Germany.

Permanently eradicate teething problems
The Professional Association of Paediatricians (BVKJ) sees the current survey by the online market research institute "Civey", according to which four out of five Germans are in favor of linking Kitaplatz to vaccinations, as a clear mission to the policy to finally introduce a compulsory vaccination.
"Only if all children of the same age group are vaccinated, we will permanently eradicate the dangerous childhood diseases in Germany," said BVKJ President Dr. med. Thomas Fischbach in a press release.
"Measles, diphtheria, chickenpox, polio and whooping cough epidemics, as they flare up again and again, but also the life-threatening tetanus, there will be no more, and that's good," said Fischbach.
Politics should create legal requirements
According to the BVKJ president, most Germans have now recognized this and are in favor of linking Kitaplatz to vaccinations.
"If all children are vaccinated before going to school, the herd protection is created, which also protects the few children who can not be vaccinated because of their young age or because of a serious immune disease," explained the doctor.
In his opinion, the policy should "use the will of the citizens as an opportunity to create the legal conditions to couple the visit of Kitas to the compulsory vaccination. Kitas could save themselves a lot of bureaucracy with vaccination. "
According to the information, they currently have to report unvaccinated children to the health authorities. According to Fischbach, a corresponding law would also make it much easier for children and adolescents.
"Currently, insecure or skeptical parents are often unsettled by self-proclaimed experts. This makes our consulting work even more difficult, "says the expert.
"Currently bots and trolls are also agitating internationally against vaccination. A mandatory vaccination obligation would put a stop to this kind of disinformation, "said the BVKJ president. (Ad)