Is the Hartz IV Health System coming?

Is the Hartz IV Health System coming? / Health News

DGB board member Annelie Buntenbach warns of an imminent "Hartz IV system in health care"

Federal Health Minister Philipp Rösler (FDP) defends the reorganization of the health system despite repeated criticism. The planned capitation of the black and yellow federal government is a "Hartz-IV system in the health sector," warned the DGB board member Annelie Buntenbach. Also the Barmer health insurance GEK criticizes again the plans of the Minister of Health.

Buntenbach fears that the capitation is not affordable for a large part of the population. Above all pensioners and precarious workers could not pay the capitation. This would make insured persons "dependent petitioners of the state". With the restructuring of the health system, a kind of Hartz IV system is introduced that "brings the health care of millions insured in danger," criticized Buntenbauch. The result is, "that at the end benefits across a broad front are canceled and privatized".

The chairman of the health insurance Barmer GEK, Birgit Fischer is of the opinion that the planned head lump sum can not solve the financial problems of the health system. About 60 percent of the insured could no longer pay their cash contributions and would depend on subsidies from the state. The Federal Minister of Health Rösler wants to set the course for health care reform later this year. From 2011, the capitation fee is to be introduced. Unions and initiatives such as Campact are planning a major campaign this year for a decolonizing health care capitation. (08.01.2010)