Funny rabbits? Owls in therapy

Funny rabbits? Owls in therapy / Health News
Bianka Wolf, a non-medical practitioner from Hohenwestedt in Schleswig-Holstein goes on therapeutic walks with owls. The owl Saphira, the Chacokauz Radagast and the white-face owl Gandalf.

Owl walks against burnout
The owl walks are designed to help with burnout and alleviate children's concentration and learning problems because they would focus on the owls.

Owls have forward-looking eyes, can rotate their heads 270 degrees, fly silently, and even hear a mouse squeal. Her abilities led to all kinds of superstitious ideas (fotolia / birtoiu)

An hour owl costs 80 euros
In addition, Wolf goes with the owls in retirement homes, schools, hospitals and hospices. An owl lesson costs 80 euros.

owls meditation
She explains the meaning of the owl encounter: "A silent conversation with an owl can give new impulses - it's like meditating," she says. Costs 80 euros per hour costs the "Eulenkuscheln".

"Owls have something mystical"
This says the naturopath and supports this fantasy by giving her little owls the names of the sorcerers Gandalf and Radagast from the "Lord of the Rings". The reference to "Waldschrat" Radagast probably underlines the association with nature magic.

Owls rest in themselves?
Wolf wants her clients to rest by putting the animals on their hands. The animals would rest in themselves, and that could lead people to more serenity.

In addition, she suspects an almost magical ability of their birds. According to Focus, she says, "Owls look into the soul of man."

The magic owl
Hardly any animal is as magically charged as the owl. Even the genus name of the owl "Strix" is derived from Roman mythical creatures, the lines that should suck the blood of children in bird shape. The turn became another term for witch.

Death messenger and healer
In ancient Greece, the owl was considered a bird of wisdom and enlightenment, in medieval Europe it was associated with the devil and the witches.

Mythical creatures and diseases
Vengeful gods took on an owl form, the wild hunting of Odin led an eagle owl. The call of the tawny owl "Kuwitt" was interpreted by our ancestors as "come with us" and as an announcement of a speedy death. Madness and madness cost countless barn owls the life the peasants nailed to barn doors to keep "evil" away.

Nocturnal hunters
Owls have peculiarities that predestine them for magical fantasies: they see at night, and they fly silently; they can turn their heads up to 270 degrees.

Big, forward-looking eyes
Owls have large, forward-looking eyes, the retina is shortened, and the lens is convex, surrounded by scleral knuckles. Therefore, they can see spatially and estimate distances.

Fantastic hearing
Owls have special ear openings that are arranged slightly asymmetrically. In addition, many owls have a facial veil (barn owls), and the directs the sound in the direction of the ears. The wide skull additionally supports the locating of noises.

You hear the mouse running
The auditory center is well developed, a barn owl has three times as many neurons there as a crow. For example, a barn owl hears sounds of 10,000 hertz, and she hears mice squeaking.

Look into the soul?
When Ms. Wolf is convinced that "owls can look into the human soul," she does not make a zoological or real statement, but spreads her magical associations to the fascinating sight of the owls. But this does not serve to "look someone in the soul" in realitas, but helps to fix the prey in weak light.

Animal assisted therapy
Animal-assisted therapy refers to all procedures in which contact with animals is supposed to positively affect the lives of humans, borderline patients who get a daily structure through dogs, to autistic people who learn to lose their fear of being touched, to those who are depressive make first steps to communicate with people through contact with an animal.

Are owls suitable for therapies?
We have to differentiate between trained therapy animals, such as dogs, who act as "therapists" themselves and animals whose mere contact supports a therapy.

Attendance counts
Just as in rabbits alone, caressing a positive stimulus exerts, and the singing of a canary cheers mournful brooding, of course, as well as owls accompany a therapy.

Healing through nature?
Wolf is right: Wild animals can generally help us overcome stress and anxiety. We observe a life outside of ourselves that can not be interested in our problems. And we communicate with animals, whether we like it or not - a walk on the duck pond has already solved many emotional knots.

Magic thinking
The naturopath decorates her owls with mystical symbolism, but unfortunately she does not decipher her own metaphors. Rather, it spreads in the esoteric scene widespread allegories of owls, which, however, have only peripherally to do with their zoological reality.

What do the animal therapists say??
The president of the European Society for Animal-Assisted Therapy, Rainer Wohlfarth, sees Wolf's Eulenspaziergänge critical. He says. "One should only work with domesticated animals in therapy."

Are the owl migrations meaningless?
Wohlfarth does not generally regard the owl migrations as useless: "I can already imagine a news effect." In a narrow sense, this does not correspond to animal-assisted therapy. It is primarily about body contact, communication and interaction with animals that seek contact with people on their own. (Source: Focus) (Dr. Utz Anhalt)