Cabbages do not need to be washed extra

Cabbages do not need to be washed extra / Health News

Easier for cooks: cabbages do not need extra laundry


Kohl enjoys great popularity in Germany in various forms. Whether cabbage, red cabbage or savoy cabbage: It can be used to conjure up delicious dishes. Even if they are not cooked, fried or baked, cabbages do not need to be washed extra. Cabbage is also very healthy.

Preparation requires less effort
In contrast to head of lettuce, which must be thoroughly cleaned, amateur cooks with a cabbage have it much easier: With him, only the outer leaves are dirty, the news agency dpa in a message. Therefore, the preparation requires much less effort. Those who hate salad washing will love cabbage, because cabbages do not need extra laundry because of their closed growth. This has the Federal Association of Producer Organizations Fruit and Vegetables (BVEO) pointed out in the agency message.

Taste is retained for a week
As has been said, to remove savoy cabbage, white cabbage and red cabbage, simply remove the outer leaves, peel off the inner layers one at a time and cut them into strips. If the cabbage is not needed as a whole, consumers should not cut it in the middle, because then it loses more quickly to aroma and freshness. According to the experts, it is better to dab off the desired amount and put the rest in the refrigerator. This preserves the typical taste for at least a week.

Healthy cabbage vegetables
Cabbage vegetables are often responsible for the reputation of the „Poor man's food“ But more and more cooks are venturing into more unusual ways of cooking. Undisputed is the high content of healthy ingredients. Cabbage is rich in vitamins A and C, minerals like iron, calcium, magnesium and potassium as well as important fiber. Through the contained substances one can activate the body's own defenses and strengthen the immune system. According to experts, cabbage drunk raw in the form of juice also affects the digestive area and can help with heartburn, among other things. In addition, the vegetables have been proven in studies a preventive effect against some cancers. Thus, one of the ingredients, the dye lycopene, protects against stomach and colon cancer. (Ad)

Picture: lichtkunst.73