Eco-tester deodorants without aluminum salts are better

Eco-tester deodorants without aluminum salts are better / Health News
Aluminum-free deodorants in the test: Most are acceptable
For years, more and more consumers are turning to cosmetic products without aluminum. The metal is suspected to increase the risk for some diseases. "Eco-test" found in a study to the conclusion that most aluminum-free deodorants are recommended and contain no problematic substances.

Harmful effect of aluminum is assumed
Aluminum-containing cosmetics are suspected because of the contained metal to increase the risk of diseases such as cancer or dementia. Although this danger has not been proven scientifically, many consumers assume that aluminum deodorants, for example, can be dangerous. It is known that itchy rash or allergies can be caused in existing hypersensitivity to some ingredients. More and more people are now using aluminum-free deodorants. According to experts, these are also the healthier alternative. "Öko-Test" has now taken a closer look at various products.

Possible health risks from aluminum in the deodorant have led to an increased demand for aluminum-free products. (Image: gpointstudio /

Most products are impressive
According to a report in the Internet portal of the "Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung" (DAZ), "Eco-Test" concludes in its June issue that most aluminum-free deodorants can be seen. The consumer magazine had looked closer at 21 products and wanted to test whether customers who deliberately resort to deodorants without aluminum salts, spraying no other controversial ingredients in the armpit. Two products from pharmacies cut according to the information in the test not optimal.

Increased demand for products without aluminum
Since studies have a connection of aluminum-containing cosmetics, especially deodorants, with breast cancer and Alzheimer's had addressed, such funds are in the criticism. Despite the fact that the feared health risk has not yet been scientifically proven, there are more and more experts who advise to reduce the daily intake of aluminum as a precaution, for example by refraining from corresponding products. The Berlin Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), for example, has been cautioning since last year due to the uncertainty of the facts. For example, on freshly shaved skin, apply only aluminum-free deodorants to keep the strain low. With deodorants, such warnings led to increased demand for non-aluminum products, which ultimately boosted supply. To find out if these are really free of other controversial ingredients, "Oeko-Test" bought 21 products from drugstores, supermarkets, pharmacies and natural products counters to check their safety and efficacy: sprays, pump sprayers and roll-ons.

Six out of 21 products received a "very good"
The consumer magazine graded a total of six of them with the grade "very good", five with "good", seven with "satisfactory" and three were still "sufficient". The two products from the pharmacy, however, landed rather in the back, reports the DAZ. Thus, Vichy Deodorant Ultra-Fresh 24H got a three in the overall rating. Although the pump sprayer scored "very good" on the ingredients, the manufacturer did not submit an efficacy study, relying on submitting studies only to the control authorities. There were "deduction points" from "Öko-Test".

Some manufacturers did not submit a study on efficacy
The final winner was La Roche-Posay 24H Physiological Deodorant. This spray only cut off with "sufficient". The reasons given for this were the paraffins, petroleum products and silicone compounds contained, as well as the fact that L'Oréal did not submit a study on efficacy. In addition, the product contains the aluminum-containing mineral Perlite, but releases virtually no aluminum, as "eco-test" admits. In the front seats ("very good") landed. Hauschka Sage Deomilch, Logona Daily Care Deo Spray Organic Aloe + Verveine, Specs Men Active Deodorant Spray, Terra Naturi Deodorant Spray Citrus & Sage, Weleda Wild Rose Deodorant and Sebamed Fresh Deodorant, Fresh. (Ad)