Öko-Test Good daypacks from 85 euros

Öko-Test Good daypacks from 85 euros / Health News
As "eco-test" has been able to establish in a recent study, the saying "quality has its price" also applies to hiking backpacks. The testers examined various models and emphasized practicality and also looked for harmful pollutants.

Price says something about quality
As with many other commodities, the price says something about the quality of hiking rucksacks. This is the result of a test of the magazine "Eco-Test" (Issue 5/2015), in which, according to a message from the news agency dpa ten models were tested between 24 and 30 liters in volume. With one exception, the backpacks with prices between 85 and 100 euros received the grade "good". According to the information significantly cheaper models also performed worse.

Controversial ingredients even in the best models
Above all the practicality was tested. There were in particular deductions, if a backpack allowed water through. In addition, the editors of the magazine "eco-test" examined the products for questionable ingredients. Even in the best rated models, for example, the plastic PVC or lead was found. Also for it there were appropriate deductions. At the request of the newspaper, one of the manufacturers stated that, contrary to the findings, there was no PVC in its products. This plastic is considered hazardous to health, especially for children. Among other things, because it can interfere with the hormonal balance of humans and damage the reproduction or development. Lead is also classified as a carcinogen. (Ad)