ECO-TEST German plasticine is mostly good

ECO-TEST German plasticine is mostly good / Health News

Play dough tested on harmful ingredients


Children love play dough. This colorful toy teaches the little ones motor skills and imagination. Parents should pay attention to good quality when buying. According to ÖKO-TEST, products from Germany are generally performing well.

German products good to very good
Children are usually fascinated by plasticine. The colorful game material costs little, stimulates the imagination, and the creative possibilities are almost inexhaustible. Parents should pay attention to the quality of the toy when buying it. ÖKO-TEST tested 14 products in the laboratory for harmful ingredients, such as problematic preservatives and many other substances. According to the magazine, products from Germany are mostly good at getting the verdicts „very well“ and „Well“.

Most products barely charged
Goods from China, however, often received only the notes „satisfying“ to „insufficient“. This resulted in a comparison of 14 products from the testers in the current issue of ÖKO-TEST (10/2013). The majority of products are hardly or not at all contaminated with pollutants. Of the 14 kneading sets eight are fully recommended, two however „inadequate“ and one „insufficient“. Preservatives, such as formaldehyde, are the main problem. Because this substance, which is suspected to be carcinogenic, irritates the mucous membranes even in small amounts and can trigger allergies.

Ingredients do not have to be specified
If you consider that even the smallest children have a kneading ball in their mouth, it is surprising that it is precisely with such a sensitive product that the ingredients do not have to be stated. Of their own volition the manufacturers do not reveal their recipes. On the contrary; For example, write „Beck's plasticine“ on his website: „The exact composition is of course a closely guarded secret.“ However, the ingredients are roughly known. Thus, depending on the type of clay, the following ingredients are possible: wax, potato starch, chalk, salt, flour, starch, water and even preservatives. (Ad)

Image: Laura Eifler