Artificial Legal Highs 20-year-old deceased after consuming herbal mixture

In Rhineland-Palatinate, a young woman died early Thursday morning after consuming so-called "legal highs". The 20-year-old had been found lifeless in her apartment and could not be reanimated. The police of the West German state had recently warned against dangerous herbal mixtures.
Young woman died after consuming legal drugs
In the municipality Ruwer (Rhineland-Palatinate), a 20-year-old woman died early Thursday morning, who had previously consumed herbal mixtures, so-called "legal highs" with a friend. According to a report by the Trier police, the young woman vomited after consuming the last unit, collapsed and lost consciousness. Her 31-year-old co-consumer then notified the ambulance, but the resuscitation attempts by the rescue service were unsuccessful, the doctors could only determine the death.

Autopsy of the corpse
According to the data, the 31-year-old man admitted in a police interrogation, the common consumption of "legal highs" one. He will therefore have to answer for the suspicion of a crime under the Narcotics Act. It is said that the Trier public prosecutor's office has ordered an autopsy of the corpse to clarify the exact cause of death.
Experts were facing dangerous legal highs
Time and again health experts and police point to the dangerous side effects of herbal mixtures and bath additives. Only recently had the State Office of Criminal Investigation Rhineland-Palatinate in a press release before the wrongly referred to as "legal highs" substances, as the consequences are not calculable and the consumer accordingly put his health or his life on the line.
Mental and physical side effects
In the past, health and life-threatening conditions, as well as deaths among consumers of drugs labeled as "legal drugs", have increased. The intoxicants can lead to poisoning and depending on the composition trigger panic attacks and hallucinations. In addition, physical impairments such as blood pressure fluctuations, nausea and vomiting, respiratory distress, serious cardiovascular problems such as palpitations or cardiac arrest, convulsions or comatose conditions may occur. According to police, they have an "incalculable health risk". (Ad)