Bone loss Detected method for early detection in osteoporosis

Bone loss Detected method for early detection in osteoporosis / Health News
Measuring device for the early detection of osteoporosis
Around six million people in Germany suffer from osteoporosis. Patients often do not notice anything about their illness for a long time. Sooner or later, however, the bone loss causes a marked reduction in the quality of life in the patients. Scientists are currently developing a measuring device for the early detection or identification of people at high risk of osteoporosis.

One of the most common diseases in the world
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), osteoporosis is one of the ten most common diseases worldwide. In Germany around six million people suffer from it. The metabolic disease of bones is also described as a "silent epidemic of the 21st century". Quiet because crumbling bones themselves do not hurt and there are no early warning systems. In the future, however, a measuring device could contribute to the early detection of osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis is one of the most common diseases in the world, affecting mainly women. The disease is often not recognized for a long time. Researchers are currently working on a device for the early detection of bone metabolic disease. (Image: Africa Studio /

Osteoporosis is often recognized late
Osteoporosis mainly affects the elderly, especially women. Men are relatively less affected by bone loss.

However, according to the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF), less than a quarter of all cases of osteoporosis are diagnosed early and adequately treated.

In a press release, the experts explained why millions of osteoporosis patients are not given a proper diagnosis.

In the future, a device for the early detection or identification of people at high risk of osteoporosis could contribute.

This is being developed as part of a research project supported by the European Union, the Med Uni Graz reports in a press release.

Increased risk of fractures
"In osteoporosis, there is an imbalance between the formation and disassembly of bone tissue," explains Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hans Peter Dimai, expert in osteoporosis at the Med Uni Graz.

"Due to the predominant degradation, the bone substance disappears, which ultimately increases the risk of fractures."

Typically the following bones caused by osteoporosis fractures most commonly affected: vertebrae, femur near the hip, forearm bones near the wrist, humerus and pelvis.

"However, the increased fracture susceptibility may affect the entire skeleton," adds Dr. Dimai.

In addition to advanced age, family history, estrogen deficiency, too little exercise, the excessive consumption of tobacco and alcohol also vitamin D deficiency belongs to the possible causes of osteoporosis.

Therefore, it is repeatedly pointed out by experts that sufficient sun-soaking is an important contribution to protect against osteoporosis.

Basically, osteoporosis prevention is recommended before the bones disappear. The best prevention is according to experts trained muscles and a generally healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet.

Quality of life of those affected decreases
As a result of the aging population, osteoporosis has become a major public health issue.

"The fractures caused by bone atrophy not only lower the quality of life of those affected, the disease is also associated with more far-reaching consequences," says dr. Dimai.

"Especially fractures of the femoral neck are associated with a significantly increased mortality in older age."

Although a number of very meaningful non-invasive methods for the determination of the risk of osteoporosis and for osteoporosis diagnostics have been developed in recent years.

Yet away from highly specialized research institutes and centers, there is a lack of meaningful biomarkers and easy to use instruments that could give during the visit to the doctor about the individual risk of osteoporosis information.

Tool for the early detection of osteoporosis
This is where the on coordinated research project by the University of Ghent "PoCOsteo" ( "point-of-care in-office device for Identifying worth individuals at high risk of osteoporosis and osteoporotic fracture").

The research goal is the development of an easy-to-use tool for the early detection of osteoporosis or an imminent fracture.

"Our goal is to develop a whole-blood point-of-care meter that can be used to fight osteoporosis, even outside highly specialized centers," Dr. Dimai.

The examinations are carried out at the Medical University of Graz, among others.

"The big advantage of the new method for assessing the individual osteoporosis risk will lie not only in ease of use, but also in the fact that the test can be cost-effectively performed in real time during the office visit," said the Austrian researchers. (Ad)