Bone mass overweight due to massive bones?

Bone mass overweight due to massive bones? / Health News
Can "heavy bones" lead to obesity??
People who push their overweight on "heavy bones", imagine something. This has now pointed out doctors and thus destroyed an ancient myth. Although bone mass varies between individuals, it does not have a significant impact on body weight.

Some overweight people are up to something
"I'm not too fat, I just have heavy bones." Many people give "heavy bones" as a reason for being overweight. But can that really be the cause? No, said Professor Jürgen Ordemann from the Center for Obesity and Metabolic Surgery at Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, to the news agency dpa. According to the expert, bones are not responsible for obesity. In women, bones make up around ten percent of body weight, in men around 15. "Bone mass can vary by 10 percent in a human, depending on lifestyle and diet." But "that's overweight," according to Ordemann "insignificant".

Too high body weight can not be explained by heavy bones. (Image:

Bone weight increases due to calcium-rich diet and exercise
It is known that the bone density and thus also its weight increases through healthy, calcium-rich diet and sport. "That also speaks against overweight due to heavy bones," said the doctor. According to scientists, there is another connection between bone density and obesity. Years ago, US researchers at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston reported that bone loss could be due to excessive stomach fat. According to the scientists, being overweight in osteoporosis was considered risk-reducing. Their study has shown, however, that women with high levels of fat in the abdominal cavity are increasingly prone to osteoporosis or a decline in bone density. (Ad)