Can only athletes actually get a tennis elbow?

Can only athletes actually get a tennis elbow? / Health News
A doctor explains if really only athletes can get a tennis elbow
The tennis elbow (epicondylitis humeri radialis) is a relatively common condition in which overloading a given tendon causes small tears and inflammation in the tissue, which can eventually lead to tissue changes. An expert has important information on the topic.

Tennis elbow due to overuse
In a tennis elbow caused by overuse smallest cracks in a specific tendon. These usually do not heal on their own and cause painful inflammation. It also causes elbow pain, in some cases, the pain also in the upper or lower arm. The Cologne "Express" reports online about an interview with Dr. Ing. Sven Ostermeier, orthopedist and sports physician of the Joint Clinic Gundelfingen. The expert answers the most important questions about tennis elbow.

The tennis elbow is a relatively common disease caused by overuse of the arm. The problem is not only triggered by sport. (Picture: Picture-Factory /

Not only athletes get a tennis elbow
Dr. Ostermeier first explained that even people who have never stood on a tennis court can get a tennis elbow. Cause of a tennis elbow or tennis elbow are according to the doctor excessive stress on the muscle approaches on the elbow, such as through daily computer work. Some people also talk about RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury Syndrome), the so-called mouse arm. The majority of those affected, according to the orthopedist but already tennis enthusiasts. "It is assumed that every second player is temporarily affected. Hence the name of this disease, "said Dr. Easter Meier.

Strong pain can radiate into the hand
The strong pain in the area of ​​the elbow can radiate into the hand. In addition, the affected hand is often increasingly powerless. According to the experts, this can go so far "that shaking hands or holding a bottle is no longer possible." A tennis elbow is often preceded by chronic tension of the shoulder and neck muscles, but the main cause are extreme, one-sided or repetitive movements, such as heavy home improvement, such as painting walls.

Treatment options of a tennis elbow
The classical therapy for tennis elbow and tennis elbow relies on immobilization, through which the resulting microcracks should heal again. Today, however, the previously customary forearm plaster rail is omitted. "If the arm is plastered, the muscles are formed very quickly. Rebuilding through appropriate training usually leads to tennis-arm symptoms again, "Dr. Easter Meier. He continued, "Cooling or heat treatment can also be helpful. Whether it is rather cold or warm than comfortable, has to be tried out individually and decided on. "Many patients find cross-massage of the muscles beneficial. According to the physician, combination therapies with stimulation current, ultrasound or shock waves are recommended for pain relief. In addition, anti-inflammatory drugs and acupuncture may be beneficial.

Novel form of therapy
Since the tendon shortens due to the growing together and healing of microcracks, the muscles should be slowly and moderately stretched and strengthened as soon as possible by physiotherapy. According to the orthopedic surgeon, this is important to avoid a new onset of symptoms. If the different therapy approaches do not improve, surgery may be an option. A novel form of treatment of the tennis elbow is the therapy with muscle-relaxing injections (Botox). "However, the previously mentioned therapeutic methods should first be tried in order to possibly use this special procedure," said the physician. Other experts see this treatment rather critically. For example, a study by researchers at the University of Copenhagen showed that spraying with Botox and Co does not help with the tennis elbow.

Exercises also for home
Dr. According to Ostermeier, tennis players should improve their playing technique to avoid new complaints. "Because often this disease is caused by playing with the wrong technology - by the way, not only in tennis, but also in other racquet sports," said the orthopedist. In addition, slow warm-up and regular stretching exercises - not only when playing tennis - advisable. To specifically train and stretch the muscles of the forearm, the doctor recommends using a powerball or a small plastic bottle that is filled with water and placed on the inner surface of the non-diseased hand. "Then grab the bottle with the hand that is hit by the tennis elbow, lift it up a few centimeters and then place it back on the inside of the other, still open hand," explained the expert. These exercises should best be repeated ten to fifteen times a day, several times a day. (Ad)