Can higher taxes on unhealthy foods stop obesity?

Can higher taxes on unhealthy foods stop obesity? / Health News

Tax increase on unhealthy foods should stop obesity

About one in four Germans is severely overweight. Obesity is associated with an increased risk of many diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer. A new study now shows that a tax hike on unhealthy foods and tax exemption for fruit and vegetables could stop the overweight wave.

More and more obese in Germany

According to health experts, around 25 percent of the German population is considered to be severely overweight, and the trend is rising. According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), there was a particularly strong increase in the number of obese people among young people between the ages of 18 and 29 years. Obesity is associated with an increased risk of many diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer. As a cause of obesity several factors are eligible. Very important here is an unhealthy diet. A tax hike on unhealthy and a tax exemption for healthy food could stop the overweight wave. This is shown by a new study by the University of Hamburg.

A tax hike on unhealthy and a tax exemption for healthy food could stop the overweight wave. This is shown by a new study by a researcher at the University of Hamburg. (Image: Eisenhans /

Tax exemption for fruits and vegetables

Just recently, the consumer organization foodwatch has campaigned for the abolition of VAT on fruit and vegetables.

"It is high time to facilitate a healthy diet with fiscal measures," foodwatch CEO Martin Rücker said in a statement.

"The VAT on fruit and vegetables must be abolished. It helps people and their health goals equally, "says the expert.

Now a new study by a scientist at the University of Hamburg shows that the tax exemption on fruit and vegetables could stop the overweight wave.

The study was commissioned by the German Obesity Society (DAG) and the German Diabetes Association (DDG).

For unhealthy foods, the reduced rate applies

So far, the reduced tax rate of seven percent applies to most foods, even for unhealthy products with high levels of fat and sugar. The study of the Hamburg economist dr. Tobias Effertz examines as alternative scenarios with different graduations.

The most promising and politically realistic system proves to be the "Traffic Light Plus" system with the following tax rates:

Green 0%: fruits and vegetables
Yellow 7%: Normal foods like pasta, milk or meat
Red 19%: Products with a lot of added sugar, salt or fat like ready meals, crisps or sweets

In addition, the tax rate for particularly harmful soft drinks such as cola or Fanta could be increased from 19 today to 29 percent.

This plus is necessary because soft drinks are often the cause of overweight or obesity - even more than sweets. This also applies to drinks with sugar substitutes.

Prices facilitate health promotion

"When it comes to nutrition, conditions play a crucial role," said health expert Ulf Fink in a statement.

"Of course, everyone should decide for themselves what he buys. However, low prices make it easier for consumers to promote their health. "

Many countries have already recognized this and raised taxes on unhealthy products. With success: In Berkeley, California, sales of soft drinks fell by 21 percent. In addition, manufacturers of finished products often changed their recipes after tax adjustments and reduced fat and sugar.

"Citizens get better products at the same price," explained nutritionist Hans Hauner from the Technical University of Munich. Especially low-income groups benefit from this.

"Tax adjustments are also an effective way for Germany to protect citizens from obesity," said Hauner.

German politics appeals to the responsibility of the individual

25 percent of the German population are currently considered obese. Despite all efforts, it has not been possible to stop the increase in obesity, let alone to reverse it.

"This is not least due to the previous focus of German politics, which mainly appeals to the responsibility of individuals and, for example, funded courses on general education on healthy nutrition," criticized nutrition expert Hauner.

Scientifically, this individual approach is considered failed, because this rarely a permanent weight reduction is achieved.

The World Health Organization (WHO) also recommends improving the framework for healthy behavior.

These measures of proportionality prevention include tax adjustments, a ban on food advertising aimed at children and mandatory standards for boarding in daycare centers and schools.

These demands also represent in Germany the German Alliance for Noncommunicable Diseases (DANK), a consortium of twenty major medical organizations. (Ad)