Knee pain relationships and treatment

Knee pain relationships and treatment / Health News

Naturopathy: Knee Pain - Connections and treatment options: Our knee is due to its architecture and the daily weight bearing an area on our body, in which many people complain of pain.

Unlike the shoulder, the knee must constantly keep our body weight while standing and walking. For this purpose, the joint body of the thigh and lower leg are not formed very well for each other and must be stabilized by many ligaments on the knee, which then often cause discomfort. To compensate for the inequalities between the joint partners, there are two menisci, crescent-shaped cartilage slices in the knee, which also have to withstand high loads and are often involved in complaints in the knee.

Connections of the knees with other structures
The supplying nerve of the knee (femoral nerve) comes from the lumbar spine and must pass through two parts of a muscle - the hip flexor (M.Iliopsoas). This muscle is often shortened by our many sitting and lack of exercise. Knee pain, which occurs after getting up or completely without mechanical stress and which can not be explained or treated by means of imaging techniques - in which a clamping of the nerve is assumed here. In osteopathy, this muscle also becomes „The dump of the body“ called. This is once a dump in the biochemical sense and its immediate proximity to the intestine owed. It is believed that if intestinal contents remain for a long time at certain points, toxins or irritants pass through the tissue and irritate the hip flexor and surrounding nerve connections.

Another component leading to the formulation of „dump“ is one in the emotional sense. The hip flexor is closely linked to the diaphragm. A tension in the diaphragm (fixation in inhalation position) can constantly train on him. The tension in the diaphragm can arise, for example, due to a clinging, if affected after personal fatalities or other individually incriminating factors the redemptive crying difficult. Because the diaphragm is the first structure, the so-called „sob“ quickly contracted. This mechnical connection is the best explanation why mechanical stretching of the hip flexor can sometimes lead to an acute onset of these emotions, and this can also affect indefinable knee pain.

What is being done for knee pain??
Knee pain is usually good to narrow down by manual (orthopedic) tests, or even to diagnose. The most affected structures in the knee (menisci, collateral ligaments, cruciate ligaments, patella) are quite clearly differentiated by the tests. More detailed diagnostics, if necessary, can then be performed using imaging techniques.

Where today in medicine operation with invasive interventions in the knee extreme restraint is shown. Since joints are basically a poor and difficult to maintain by our organism structure in terms of immune defense, intervene here always the risk of invasion of pathogens. The danger of multidrug-resistant pathogens frequently occurring in Germany in the medical field, such as MRSA (multidrug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), could offer a possible reason for non-invasiveness here. Another simple reason is that the problems on the knee, unless a massive damage has been found, sometimes resolve themselves after some time and a surgical intervention does not always guarantee an improvement.

However, surgical care has made a huge step in the area of ​​the cruciate ligaments. Meanwhile, most of the old structures are left standing and only sewn together. Subsequently, holes are drilled in the thigh so that bone marrow cells can run down and dock on the cruciate ligament structures. They are able to form new cells that are also able to work receptor-like.

The manual treatment of knee osteopathy, FDM, Rolfing, et al.
In an osteopathic treatment of the knee is seen beyond the knee, his everyday or athletic load. The US scientist Professor Serge Gracovetsky has impressively demonstrated that our legs represent only an extension of our spine. That means, how we move, how the load is distributed in the knees, also depends significantly on the spine and the transmitter, the pelvis. This is taken into account in an osteopathic view of the knee in order to be able to exert influence in principle and for the future in the sense of a positive development for the affected knee. In addition, the above-mentioned connections to the nerve supply and the hip flexor and its surrounding structures are viewed.

The foot, which can influence the knee load with possible deformities (hallux valgus, spreading foot, etc ...), side differences and movement restrictions, is of course also included in diagnosis and treatment.

The same procedure is used in Rolfing. Here, even more attention is paid to the overall posture and the influence of fascia tissue in the treatment.

In the fascial distortion model, the pain-inducing movements and movement restrictions are diagnosed by means of movement tests and body language and treated as such. For some of those affected, unspecific mobilization often helps. It can be assumed that, for example, the menisci of small lesions can correctly glide again after mobilization, so that the change between bending and stretching can again run smoothly.

But also alleged arthritic complaints of the knee can be relieved by simply mobilization. Eventually by an improved transport of synovial fluid and a relaxation of the joint capsule. Thus, the so-called Baker cyst, a bulge in the popliteal fossa, may disappear. It often forms with knee problems. If she is quite tall, then she may interfere with bending, but otherwise she is usually free of complaints. It is believed that improved fluid transport will allow the cyst to disappear.

Since findings by imaging techniques often reveal no connection to the complaints of those affected, it usually makes sense to carry out a non-invasive treatment in these cases. (Thorsten Fischer, Naturopath Osteopathy 25.01.2010)

What is osteopathy
Fascia - a neglected structure
Baker's cyst