Avoid knee pain with practical tips

Avoid knee pain with practical tips / Health News
Tips for preventing knee pain
Many people have knee problems. Benefiting from stress and obesity quickly show signs of wear in the knee, which can be associated with massive knee pain and limitations in everyday life. The AOK has therefore put together some tips on how knee pain can be prevented.

In Germany, 12.7 million people suffer from the painful joint disease osteoarthritis, which affects mainly the knee, reports the AOK, citing the figures of the Robert Koch Institute (RIK). Strong knee pain and restricted mobility are the result. With some simple measures, however, there are "good chances of being spared from knee pain", the health insurance company continues.

Simple measures in everyday life often prevent knee pain. (Image: SENTELLO / fotolia.com)

Pay attention to regular relief of the knee
The AOK advises to relieve knee pain to relieve the knee regularly. "Whoever stands or sits a lot strains the knee. Especially angled legs while sitting, shorten the thigh muscles and so the train increases on the knee joint, "explains the health insurance. Therefore, the legs should be stretched to relieve in between again and again. Getting up and moving around in the room is also helpful. "Longer knees should be avoided if possible - above all, you should never kneel in the heel seat for longer", emphasize the experts of the AOK.

Strengthen your muscles
Sport is important for the knees, as the movement builds the muscles around the knee, explains the AOK. Especially the strengthening of the inner leg muscles and the extensor muscle of the thigh prevent the knee pain. Well suited sports to relieve the knee are swimming (especially back and front swimming), aquajogging and cycling. On the other hand, sports such as jogging or hiking are not suitable for people with knee problems, warns the AOK.

Reduce or avoid obesity
Obesity is a major risk factor for signs of knee wear. "If you put too much weight on your scales, your joints and, above all, your knees will be massively stressed," according to the AOK. The reduction of obesity or the maintenance of normal weight therefore plays an essential role in the prevention of knee pain. The AOK advises: "Therefore, make sure you have a healthy diet and enough exercise to keep your weight healthy in your body."

Wear heavy objects close to the body
High loads on the knee also occur when carrying heavy objects. In order to keep the load as low as possible, it must be ensured that heavy loads are carried as close to the body as possible. "For example, transport shopping better in a backpack than in a carrying bag," recommends the AOK.

No shoes with high heels
A particularly strong knee load bring according to the AOK also shoes with heel. "The burden on the knee is enormous - as if you were constantly on tiptoe", explains the health insurance. High heels should therefore be better avoided. With a footbed the foot has better hold and the knees are relieved, so the message of the AOK. In addition, there are chic shoes with flat heels. (Fp)