Squats at the bus stop

Squats at the bus stop / Health News

Squat counter at bus stop against overweight


Obesity and obesity are even more of a problem in Mexico than in the US. Correspondingly, politicians try to counteract with all means and in many cases break new ground - even if not every idea can be implemented. For example, squat counters at the bus stations in Mexico City are designed to encourage movement by tempting them with small rewards. Originally, passengers should even have the opportunity to get their ticket, but this proved logistically unworkable.

Seven out of ten Mexicans suffer, according to the news agency „dpa“ overweight. The newly introduced squat stations at the bus stops are one of many projects designed to encourage people to exercise more and live a healthier lifestyle. Educational initiatives, labeling regulations, sports programs and the introduction of a punitive tax on fast food and sugary drinks a year ago were further measures, but so far did not bring the desired success, according to the news agency „dpa“.

Squat counters are supposed to activate people
With the squat counters at the bus stops, Mexico City is now breaking new ground in the fight against obesity. The „dpa“ reports on the project that is currently in the pilot phase with 30 health stations. Although it is not yet clear how the continuation should be financed in the future, the stations seem quite a success. „The project aims to engage people and reward them with the importance of stopping sitting activities“, will be the coordinator of health promotion in Mexico City, Iván Loría, of the „dpa“ cited.

Health tips after every squat
How the stations work is illustrated by the news agency based on the example of César Morales, who arrives at bus station Buenavista at 9.40 in the morning and starts squatting on the way to work at the station. The 32-year-old salesman uses the offer and also has the opportunity to make a small profit. For ten correct squats, there is a pedometer as a price. „So slowly I manage to hold on“, quotes the „dpa“ the young man. The squats are recorded by the device using a built-in infrared camera. In addition, the participants see the announcement of the „dpa“ after every correctly performed squat on the display of the health station a health tip, such as: „Do you fancy a hamburger with fries and a soft drink? You would eat 920 calories. Think about it and move better!“

Built up 30 squat stations
The 30 squat counters set up so far are available from nine in the morning until three in the afternoon, with instructors such as 21-year-old Sandra García promoting the event and taking care that nobody seriously injures themselves „dpa“. Around 50 people would train daily at each of the 30 stations. So far, injuries have obviously not occurred. However, some passengers had their pants torn. In addition, not all people can exercise on the equipment, as for example knee pain or massive overweight squats are contraindicated. In addition, not all participants manage the ten targeted squats and some end up on their buttocks.

Changes in the state of mind
Even if people can not do the exercises because of obesity, this changes „Many feel the state of mind, because they realize that they move too little“, quotes the „dpa“ the fitness trainer Omar Cabos. However, many may not realize that they would not be able to do the exercises because they just watch the squat counters from the queue for the bus. The red metro buses are a heavily used means of transportation in Mexico City and people are most likely to arrive at a specific destination when they arrive at the bus station. Therefore, only a few take time for sports exercises. „I'm in a hurry“, will also be the 44-year-old Martín Flores of the „dpa“ cited.

Almost three quarters of people in Mexico City are overweight
According to official statistics, 75.4% of over-20s and 69.8% of men are overweight or obese according to the Mexico City report „dpa“. For children of school age, the proportion is about 35 percent. Significant influence on the problem, the high consumption of sugary soft drinks. Every Mexican consumes an average of 140 liters of soft drinks a year. According to figures from the World Health Organization (WHO), 32.8 percent of adults in Mexico - and thus a higher proportion than in the US - are overweight, according to the announcement of the World Health Organization (WHO) „dpa“. The Ministry of Health registered 323,000 new cases of morbid obesity last year. The pedometer sponsor of the current pilot project is co-responsible for the obesity epidemic as a beverage producer. (Fp)

> Image: Fit-and-Fresh.com