Osteoarthritis spraying & reflection help little

Osteoarthritis spraying & reflection help little / Health News

Study: Syringes in knee osteoarthritis hardly work


Patients suffering from knee osteoarthritis are severely limited in their mobility because of their constant knee pain. Syringes with hyaluronic acid and corticosteroids should help those affected. However, according to a new study, these, as well as reflections, often remain ineffective.

Syringes often remain ineffective
People who are constantly suffering from knee joint pain because of knee osteoarthritis and are therefore impaired in their mobility often receive hyaluronan and corticosteroid injections for relief. But one created on behalf of the Bertelsmann Foundation „Fact check health“ comes to the conclusion that such syringes, as well as often used reflections in knee pain often remain ineffective. The Harding Center for Risk Competency at the Max Planck Institute in Berlin analyzed current reports for the study.

Risks are hidden
According to the analysis published on Monday, it means that articular flexion, hyaluronic and corticoid injections have only a very limited benefit in osteoarthritis. In addition, risks associated with the interventions are often under-researched. According to the dpa news agency, Professor Gerd Gigerenzer, director of the Harding Center, said: „Splashes and reflections are often ineffective in the longer term.“ He further said: „Their benefits are too often overestimated and the associated risks, such as inflammation, swelling or the violation of vessels hidden.“

Facts are often quite thin
In particular, injections of hyaluronic acid were to be assessed critically in the opinion of the Harding Center. The treatment may occasionally alleviate the pain somewhat and increase the mobility, but after a few months, these improvements are often no longer detectable. And corticosteroid injections would only relieve the pain in the short term. As it is in the „mirror“ means Gigerenzer said: „It is always amazing that the facts are quite thin for commonly used treatments. But patients are seldom informed.“ According to the Bertelsmann Stiftung, the statutory health insurance companies usually do not reimburse the costs of the injections.

Especially the elderly are affected
Especially older people are struggling with joint diseases. In Germany, about every third man and every second woman over the age of 60 is said to be affected by knee pain and often suffer from osteoarthritis. The study recommends first taking advantage of conservative measures such as weight loss, joint-sparing activities, physical, ergo and physical therapy. A weight reduction is especially recommended for people who are overweight and obese. In naturopathy, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) as well as acupuncture, cupping, moxibustion or qigong treatments are alternatives to conventional medical treatment of osteoarthritis. (Ad)

Picture: Lothar Wandtner