Clinic employees stole patients for years

Clinic employees stole patients for years / Health News

Clinic employees stoned for years patients in the hospital Bamberg


For years, a hospital employee robbed patients of the hospital in Bamberg. The police assume that the employee robbed a total of 78 patients. In particular, the accused should have stolen jewelry, valuables and money from the patients' rooms.

Hospital employee robbed a total of 73 patients
The investigative authorities have come to terms with 33-year-old employees of the Bamberger Klinik after about two years. Since summer 2008, the perpetrator is said to have searched the patient rooms for bares and other valuables in probably 78 cases. According to the police, they had stolen jewelry and money and most of the same immediately took the whole purse. In 15 cases, the perpetrator is said to have even taken the keys of the apartments of patients in order to then search the apartments for valuables. In many cases, the woman had stolen several thousand euros while the patients were being cared for at the hospital. "While her unsuspecting victims were in the hospital, the woman in the apartments looked for valuables.“ explained police spokesman Jürgen Knauer.

Extensive investigations led to the perpetrator
After the thefts piled up more and more in the clinic, the criminal police of the district of Bamberg initiated extensive investigations. Finally, a surveillance camera in a bank branch transferred the perpetrator. She was filmed while trying to pick up money at a cash machine with the help of a stolen cash card. The videos were subsequently submitted to the prosecutor. This obtained in court a search warrant. The police then searched the accused's home. In the process, extensive evidence was secured. The woman now has to prepare for a criminal trial and was released without notice from the hospital with immediate effect.

Do not leave any valuables in the hospital
In the course of the presentation of the investigation results, the police spokesman called on patients, even in the hospital no valuables, purse and front door key to leave open. Not only clinic staff but also supposed visitors would search patient rooms again and again. It would be best to deposit all valuables during the hospital stay in a safe deposit box. A leaflet from the police should help to better protect patients from theft. (Sb)

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Picture: Uschi Dreiucker