Climate change? Hundreds of black skin cancer in hospitals

Climate change? Hundreds of black skin cancer in hospitals / Health News

Hundreds of people with black skin cancer in clinics - including young patients

In recent weeks, most of Germany's and Europe's suns have been extreme. The associated strong UV exposure is considered a cause of the so-called malignant melanoma ("black skin cancer"). Some of the patients who need to be treated in hospitals because of the disease are also very young people.

Sunburn increases the risk of skin cancer

Health experts repeatedly point out that sun rays should not be underestimated, since ultraviolet radiation is clearly carcinogenic. To avoid skin cancer, you should - especially at a young age - do not stay in the sun for too long and if possible make sure that the skin is protected outdoors. Because every sunburn is added to the own skin account, urge dermatologists.

In Saxony-Anhalt more than 600 people were treated in clinics for black skin cancer in 2016. Health experts point out that you can always protect yourself from sunburn, as it increases the risk of cancer. (Image: M.Dörr & M.Frommherz /

Even under 30-year-old get sick

Skin cancer is one of the most common cancers in Germany. Up to 200,000 people fall ill each year, with more than 20,000 diagnoses related to the dangerous "black skin cancer" (malignant melanoma).

New statistics from the State Statistical Office Saxony-Anhalt now show that many young people also fall ill.

According to a communication from the office, in 2016 "in the hospitals of Saxony-Anhalt, 612 patients were treated for malignant melanoma (" black skin cancer ")".

According to the information, about half (298) of all patients had reached the age of 70 years. But: "17 women and men were under the age of 30 at the time of treatment."

According to health experts, black skin cancer is particularly treacherous, since it can spread tumor thickness as little as one millimeter. Among other things, then lymph nodes, lungs and brain could be affected.

As explained in the communication, among other things, strong UV exposure with frequent sunburns, especially in childhood, is the cause of melanoma.

Protect from sunburns

Therefore, it is important to avoid any sunburn. The safest protection is: Avoid strong sun! If the sun shines permanently, shade places provide rest for the skin.

In intense sunlight, according to experts inside protection should be sought - especially at noon, when the effect of the sun is highest.

Outdoor activities should be planned accordingly. An orientation guide here is the UV index.

Protective clothing and sunscreen can also help. Basically, you should not save creams. At least every two hours should be re-creamed.

Apply sunscreen again after swimming, even if it is a waterproof product. This also applies to sweating and drying.

Suitable sunscreens with high to very high SPF, which are photostable and UV-B and UV-A filter.

Who is traveling by car, should also think of the sunscreen. Although one is well protected in the car from UV-B radiation and therefore gets no sunburn. The side windows allow UV-A radiation to pass through. (Ad)