Klimaneutral printed New Heilpraxis counselor published

Klimaneutral printed New Heilpraxis counselor published / Health News
Guide to the stomach and intestine appeared - printed by "Die Umweltprinting"
The new "Healing Practice - Guide to the stomach and intestines" has been published and provides extensive information on digestive tract disorders and possible countermeasures. The guidebook "dieUmweltDruckerei GmbH", which is committed to a holistic sustainability strategy, printed. Social and ecological aspects are evaluated here as equivalent to economic aspects, which also corresponds to our corporate philosophy.

The environmental printing company implements the economic, social and environmental sustainability in an integrated strategy, whereby it understands this approach "not as a goal, but as a constant process". Consistently attention is paid to resource-saving materials and low-emission production. In addition, the online printing company only uses recycled paper and organic printing inks, which have been replaced by ingredients based on renewable raw materials containing mineral oil. The required electricity is generated from renewable energies. The burden on the environment and human health are minimized in this way.

The new "Healing Practice Guide for the stomach and intestines" has been published and provides extensive information on the various complaints in the digestive tract. The guidebook was printed climate-neutrally by "DieUmweltDurckerei".

Unavoidable burdens are compensated
Despite all efforts, however, unavoidable CO2 emissions occur during the printing process and during shipping. These are compensated by "Die Umwelt imprint" and its partners in the form of investments in climate protection projects. In addition, the company is involved in social projects and species conservation. Overall, the commitment to sustainability at UmweltDruckerei is a practiced concept that is supported at all levels of the company - from the catering of the employees to the support of the Aktionsgemeinschaft Artenschutz (AGA)..

Commitment to sustainability
The commitment to sustainability in the sense of successive generations was crucial for us to commission the printing of the current medical practice guide at the environmental print shop. Because, in our opinion, assistance for health must not lead to environmental and health burdens in the manufacturing process. The "healing practice - guide for stomach and intestine" is not only the claim for helpful health information, but at the same time a far too rarely implemented sustainability strategy. (Pm)