Infants should drink early from cups

Infants should drink early from cups / Health News

Infants should drink from cups as early as possible


Like the initiative „proDente“ in Cologne, parents should have their infants drink from a cup as early as possible. Continuous stuttering on the bottle increases the risk for "Nuckelflaschenkaries".

Infants should not drink sugary drinks from pacifiers
As soon as infants sit, they should start drinking from open cups. Although the Nuckelflasche is important for the early childhood nutrition and also for the reassurance of the baby suitable, but it could possibly endanger the dental health of the little ones. That recently announced the initiative „proDente“ in Cologne with. Particularly dysfunctional is the persistent stuttering when sugar or acidic drinks are filled in the bottles, the experts said. The teeth would then be permanently washed around with caries-promoting substances that attack the deciduous teeth massively and consequentially.

Loud „proDente“ The Nipple Bottle Caries meets around five to fifteen percent of all children of a birth year. Parents should therefore only water and unsweetened teas fill in the bottles. In addition, the Nuckelflasche is not suitable for continuous use. Healthy baby teeth are important for the development of children. Only then can they learn the right way to chew solid food. Also for the language formation and the mental development of the child are healthy milk teeth, which serve as placeholders for the permanent teeth, important.

Dental care from the first tooth
Many parents are of the opinion that dental care of deciduous teeth is not so important as they will fail anyway. But healthy milk teeth are the basis for healthy teeth in adulthood. Dr. Therefore, Jens Thomsen, a prophylaxis dentist from Hamburg, advises parents to get their children up to the right, thorough dental care as early as possible - ie with the first tooth. If caries is detected in adults, it is almost always an old tooth decay that breaks out again. Those who had healthy, caries-free teeth as a child are usually also affected in the adult of rare dental problems. (Ag)

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Picture: Rudolf Ortner