Small brain due to too little fitness

Get off the sofa: moans have smaller brains
Regular exercise is healthy: you can prevent various diseases and reduce your weight. In addition, sport keeps the brain young, as studies have shown. Especially in younger years, it is important to overcome the inner bastard and to provide endurance according to recent studies.
Exercise is healthy and keeps the brain young
According to scientific research, physical inactivity is more deadly than overweight. Researchers at Cambridge University reported in the journal "American Journal of Clinical Excerise" last year that people who are physically inactive are twice as likely to die prematurely as obese people. According to other scientists, 15 minutes of exercise a day is enough to increase life expectancy. But that's not all: physical fitness also helps to keep the brain in shape. Researchers from the USA came to this conclusion in a study.

Smaller brain volume in old age
Boston University School of Medicine researchers have shown that lack of fitness in younger years is associated with a smaller brain volume in old age. This in turn indicates a faster brain aging, according to the journal "Neurology". Nicole Spartano's team studied the endurance of a total of 1,583 healthy men and women over a period of two decades. The average age of the participants was 40 years. In addition, they used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at the beginning and end of brain scans of the subjects.
Couch Potatoes: Down from the Sofa
In evaluating the data and images, the scientists found that the worse the endurance of the participants was, the lower their brain volume was two decades later. The relationship was more pronounced, the faster the blood pressure and the heart rate increased during exercise. The influence that sport has on our most important organ has often been the focus of scientific research. Years ago, researchers at the University of Pittsburgh reported that exercise can improve brain performance. Reasons enough to get off the couch and exercise regularly. (Ad)