Admissions and other cultural activities protect against depression

Admissions and other cultural activities protect against depression / Health News

How can we protect ourselves from depression in old age??

Can our cultural activities protect us from the onset of depression? According to experts, if we go to the movies, spend a few hours in a museum, or watch a play, experts can really reduce the risk of depression in old age.

Researchers at University College London found in their recent research that cultural engagement and recreational activities can protect against depression. The physicians published the results of their study in the English-language journal "British Journal of Psychiatry".

Certain cultural activities can protect against the onset of depression. (Image: Kittiphan /

How did cultural activities affect?

For their analysis, the experts analyzed the data of more than 2,000 adults over the age of 50, from the English Longitudinal Study of Aging (ELSA). The researchers found that when people visit exhibitions at least once a month, watch movies, or go to the theater, they are 48 percent less likely to develop depression. If the participants engaged in cultural activities only every few months, the risk reduction was only 32 percent.

Cultural activities bring significant benefits

Even after considering other factors that may affect a person's tendency to depression (age, gender, health and physical activity), researchers found that cultural activities still provide significant benefits to mental well-being. In general, people are aware of the benefits that bring them, for example, a healthy diet or physical activity. However, very few people know about the benefits of cultural activities, explain the physicians.

Further research is needed

The same relationship between cultural engagement and depression was found in people of high and low affluence and at different educational levels. The only difference was the frequency of participation. While the results are promising, such activities alone do not help treat depression, say the experts. Successful treatment requires an approach based on the use of conversational therapies and complemented by the use of medicines, especially as older people develop more severe depression. It should necessarily be carried out further investigations into this important area of ​​mental health in old age, demand the medical profession. (As)