Child Health More sport, less alcohol

Child Health More sport, less alcohol / Health News

KiGGS: Encouraging development of children's health in Germany


The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) has the results of the first follow-up of the „Study on the health of children and adolescents in Germany“ (KiGGS) and found that the children and adolescents in Germany live significantly healthier today, just a few years ago. Thus, for example, the smoking rate among the 11 to 17-year-olds had almost halved (from 20.4 to 12 percent), reports the RKI. Also, significantly more children would attend the medical check-ups.

According to the results of the KiGGS, the majority of children in Germany are in good health. The study also considered the relevant factors influencing child health, such as „socioeconomic status, tobacco and alcohol consumption, exercise and sports, family and breastfeeding.“Physical health was based on „Allergies, chronic diseases, accidents and vaccine-preventable diseases that are responsible for much of the burden of childhood disease“, reported RKI on. The development of mental health, the researchers identified by the occurrence of mental disorders, including ADHD (attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder). Overall, the current study shows quite a gratifying development, even if individual diseases such as bronchial asthma or hay fever, according to the RKI „slightly increased“ to have.

94 percent of children with good or very good health
The President of the RKI, Reinhard Burger, explained that „according to the parents, 94 percent of the children and adolescents have a very good or good general health.“ In the case of childhood health problems, chronic and lifestyle-related illnesses as well as mental disorders should be mentioned. However, it is worrying that especially children from families with low socioeconomic status are increasingly struggling with health complaints. The Federal Health Minister Hermann Gröhe stressed in the joint press release of his ministry and the RKI that „laid the foundation for a healthy life in childhood“ will and the kids for this „Support, first and foremost from their parents“, need. Although the KiGGS data „Overall, a positive picture of the health situation and the health care of our children“ However, it also becomes clear that not all children still receive sufficient support from an early age. The current study was carried out as a telephone survey (of parents and 11 years and also of children), attended by a total of 12 368 girls and boys (with their parents) from 167 cities and municipalities.

Less and less teenagers smoke
Particularly pleasing were the results of the KiGGS with regard to tobacco and alcohol consumption as well as the sporting activities of the adolescents. For example, the smoking rate among 11- to 17-year-olds has not just halved, but it is also less frequently smoked regularly and daily, reports the RKI. However, a low socioeconomic status was associated with a significantly higher smoking rate. The explanation for the decrease of the smoker quota see the experts of the RKI in the „increased policy efforts to curb smoking and promote non-smoking protection“, the most important being the „Tobacco tax increases, the raising of the age limit for the purchase of tobacco products, the ban on advertising for tobacco and the non-smoker protection laws enacted“ to be mentioned.

Alcohol consumption also declined
According to the RKI, risky alcohol consumption among young people has also declined significantly compared to the last KiGGS baseline survey. Although 15.8 percent of adolescents aged 11 to 17 years are still drinking at a potentially harmful level, the proportion of adolescents who have tried alcohol has fallen from 62.8 to 54.4 percent. The particularly questionable, so-called binge drinking, however, is still from „11.5 percent of adolescents at least once a month“ practiced. Here, more action seems urgently needed to curb this extremely harmful drinking behavior of young people.

The More regularly does sports
In the information on the sporting activities, the current study only reveals the often discussed lack of exercise among children and adolescents. So would „More than three-quarters (77.5 percent) of 3- to 17-year-olds regularly exercise“ drive, reports the RKI. Overall, almost 60 percent of this age group are active in a sports club. However, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommendation of 60 minutes of physical activity a day was just 27.5 percent. Here, younger children would have followed the recommendation rather than older children and adolescents. Also, children and adolescents from low-social-status families are less likely to be physically active and less often in sports clubs than children and adolescents with medium or high social status. „Children and adolescents between the ages of 11 and 17 often spend time in front of the screen, and the chance of having sports decreases“, the RKI continues to report. (Fp)

Picture: Rolf van Melis