Children of older mothers less often with social and emotional problems
Many women try to have children at a young age, but later in life, pregnancy can be beneficial for both mother and child in the long term. Danish researchers have now found out that the children of older mothers are better adapted to later life. Affected children generally have fewer social and emotional problems.
Researchers at Aarhus University found that older mothers tend to have well-matched and educated children compared to children of young mothers. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "European Journal of Developmental Psychology".
When older women have children, these children gain special benefits through their mother's education. Affected children are happier and less likely to have social and emotional problems. (Photo: Kletr / mothers criticize and punish their children less
For their study, the Danish experts monitored a total of 4,741 mothers. These were all part of the so-called Danish "Longitudinal Survey of Children". The children of these mothers were re-examined and evaluated at the age of seven, eleven and fifteen. Once the data was evaluated, it was clear that older mothers, for example, seldom criticize and scold their children, the researchers report. Such children also generally have less social and emotional problems and are happier, the experts say. The effect seemed to last at least until the age of 15 years.
Social and language development is better in children of older mothers
The physicians also found that understanding the language and social development of the affected children improves as the age of the mother increases. This finding was independent of factors such as background, education and finance, the researchers add.
Education of older mothers contributes to a positive psychosocial environment
The results were partly explained by the fact that older women are generally more liquid and self-confident. People generally become more flexible and tolerant of other people as they grow older, explains author Professor Dion Sommer. The increased mental maturity of older women may explain why older mothers are less likely to criticize their children and to exercise less physical discipline. This type of education can thus contribute to a positive psychosocial environment, which then influences the education of children, adds the expert.
Another study examines brain performance of babies of middle-aged women
Already a few months ago, there was an independent report from the American Geriatrics Society, which states that babies of older mothers have an increased brain power. In this study, the researchers studied 830 middle-aged women. So they wanted to find out if there is a connection between babies of older women and improved cognitive abilities.
Increased brain performance due to hormone increase during pregnancy?
The reason for the observed effect of increased brain performance in babies is probably the increase in hormones during pregnancy. This could affect the brain chemistry and brain functions, the scientists speculate. (As)