Pediatricians are against cannabis legalization

Pediatricians are against cannabis legalization / Health News
Release of cannabis in the view of the BVKJ the wrong way
The demands for a legalization of cannabis are now shared by many people, but the Professional Association of Paediatricians (BVKJ) has now clearly opposed a largely legalized cannabis use with state control. This would not lead to an improved protection of minors, but increase the risk in the opinion of the Association.

In many cases, criminal lawyers, addiction specialists, addiction help and other experts have spoken out in favor of a rethinking of German drug policy, the Bundestag faction of Alliance 90 / The Greens reports in a recent communication, while reaffirming the demands for legalization based on its proposal for a cannabis control law. However, the BVJK sees no possibilities for improved protection of minors during legalization and therefore opposes them.

The Professional Association of Paediatricians has clearly opposed the legalization of cannabis. (Image: EpicStockMedia /

Rethinking the drug policy
For a long time there has been a lot of discussion about a possible legalization of cannabis. The release for medical purposes is now in the policy more or less consensus, but on a fundamental legalization is further argued. For example, the Left and the Greens argue in favor of a release, albeit in different models. The left is relying on the establishment of cannabis clubs to regulate the levy. The Greens are for state-controlled dispensaries. "The criminalization of cannabis users is not only disproportionate, but leaves the market of organized crime. Young people and consumers are the victims of the prohibition policy ", the Greens justified their demand.

BVKJ sees no improvement in the protection of minors
However, the BVKJ warns against the hope that the legalization of cannabis products will better protect young people from the dangers of cannabis use. This was missing from the perspective of the professional association. Even with alcohol, it is obviously not the adolescents succeed despite the regulation and controlled levy to discourage consumption. "Especially with alcohol and nicotine, we see that a law can not protect adolescents, even if it contains restrictions for young people," says the BVKJ. Despite a clear ban on the sale of high-percentage alcohol to adolescents and despite identity checks, there is the problem of coma drinking in adolescents and every weekend in the rescue centers of German clinics adolescents with acute alcohol intoxication would be admitted.

Cannabis dangerous for young people?
In addition to the legalization of alcohol to demand the release of cannabis products to adults, carries the risk, "that in future we will have more drug-addicted adolescents and not less," said the BVKJ. Around one in four adolescents in Germany have already consumed cannabis before and one in ten young people smoke daily. Consumption is particularly disturbed brain maturation in young people and cannabis is therefore particularly dangerous for young people. Due to the trend towards the consumption of cannabis products with an ever higher THC content, the danger becomes even more acute. "We do not need a law that regulates and largely legalises the distribution of cannabis. We need improved protection of minors, and we need more prevention "; so Dr. Thomas Fischbach, President of the BVKJ.

However, the Communication of the Professional Association of Paediatricians does not address key points of the legalization debate. If one out of every four adolescents has actually consumed and every tenth is doing so on a regular basis, all of these people are on the brink of illegality, and at least procurement often takes place through criminally punished channels. There is also no guarantee of certain quality and purity requirements, as the reports of strained cannabis and subsequent hospital deliveries (for example due to bird sand in the lungs) often prove. Which alternatives to improve the health protection also exist among the young consumers remains open in the communication of the BVJK. (Fp)