Children and adolescents in good health

Children and adolescents in good health / Health News

Most children and adolescents in Germany are healthy


The majority of children and adolescents in Germany are in good health, according to the results of a multi-year study by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). This is „a good news“, stressed the federal government in a recent press release regarding the „Study on the health of children and adolescents in Germany“.

A total of 94 percent of parents in the study have the health of their children as „Well“ or „very well“ rated. Of the eleven to seventeen-year-old respondents, 89 percent came to the same conclusion. For the Federal Government, the good health of children and adolescents is a very positive news „at an early age, set important course for later health“ become. Most of the boys and girls do sports and until the end of elementary school, most children also play outdoors regularly.

Healthy growing up with sports and games
Sports and games are loud statement of the Federal Government „inseparable from healthy growing up“ and so it is particularly gratifying that they are so important to adolescents - even though the children often sit in front of the TV, computer or console for several hours a day. In particular, club sports enjoy a high popularity among children and adolescents. Thus, 60 percent of all 3- to 17-year-old boys and girls in Germany would do sports in the club and among the 7- to 10-year-olds it was even 66 percent. The sports clubs thus also assume an important function for the health of adolescents.

Social status with health effects
Although the overall picture of overall health of children and adolescents is positive, the RKI study also reveals some unpleasant aspects. Here, for example, the federal government names the effects of social origin on health status. „Although children from parents with lower social status are not often more ill. But there are significant differences in the long-term health risk factors“, so the official message. For example, women with low social status would smoke far more frequently during pregnancy, which could lead to long-term harm to their children, such as increased asthma risk. „Significantly more often socially disadvantaged girls and boys suffer from severe obesity - a risk factor for diabetes or heart-lung diseases“, the Federal Government continues to report.

Health promotion from an early age
The Federal Health Minister Hermann Gröhe stressed in the current press release that „the foundation for a healthy life in childhood is laid“ and children need support here, „First of all, from her parents.“ In addition, conditions are also required in the kindergarten and the school, which promote the health development of children. And it needs one „good health care that is open to everyone“, so gröhe on. Today, according to the Federal Minister of Health, not all children are sufficiently supported from an early age. Therefore form the „Promoting the health of children and adolescents in the family through kindergarten through to school“ one focus of the Prevention Act, which is to be presented by the end of the year. It may also significantly reduce the adverse impact of low social status on children's health in the future. (Fp)

Picture: Alexandra H.