Children Sudden cardiac death while exercising

Children Sudden cardiac death while exercising / Health News

Heart failure: Before competitive sports children should check health


Intense sport can be a life-threatening risk for children and adolescents with unrecognized heart disease. Parents should therefore have their children undergo a health check before extreme physical activity. Also for adult competitive athletes a regular cardiac preparedness is advisable.

With the children to the health check
Unrecognized heart disease leads to sudden deaths in children and adolescents. Especially intense exercise is a life-threatening risk for adolescents with such a hereditary condition. Therefore, parents should better send their children to sports competitions always to a health check. This is indicated by the Professional Association of Paediatricians (BVKJ).

No warning signs of the deadly disease
The so-called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is one of the most common congenital causes of fatal cardiac arrhythmias. Particularly treacherous to this disease is that there are no warning signs. During a medical check-up, children are checked for fitness. You will also be examined for possible heart disease. Hermann-Josef Kahl from BVKJ explained: „So parents can be sure that the chosen sport is suitable for their child.“

Also adult competitive athletes to check
But not only children, but also adults who do competitive sports, should regularly check their hearts. This is only because in some people the fear of unrecognized heart disease can lead to heart neurosis (heart anxiety) with palpitations. According to experts, cardiovascular arteriosclerosis and associated coronary heart disease are among the possible unrecognized heart diseases that can cause acute pain during physical activity. In general, the sports should also take general warning signs such as a puncture in the chest, chest pain or chest pain or heartache Ernst and in case of doubt, an emergency doctor be alerted. (Ad)