Getting kids is contagious

Getting kids is contagious / Health News

Women with children in the family are more likely to become pregnant


Offspring in the closer family circle obviously increases the willingness to have children. According to researchers from the Institute for Demography in Vienna, children in the family environment are downright contagious.

Like the journal „pharmacy magazine“ In their latest issue, the scientists at the Institute for Demography in Vienna have found out that so far, childless people are more willing to have a child, even if their close family already has offspring.

For example, if the sister or brother of a woman of childbearing age receives a child, the probability of her becoming pregnant within the next year is doubled, she says „pharmacy magazine“ on the results of the researchers of the Institute for Demography in Vienna. In their study, the scientists had examined the data of 110,000 Norwegian sibling pairs and found that after a birth in the closer family environment women - compared to the average of childless women - clearly more often own own offspring. The desire for children seems to grow as soon as the women experience the offspring in the family circle. Conversely, however, this would mean that in the case of a lack of offspring in the immediate family, the childless more often remained without their own children. (Fp)

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Picture: JMG