Children's Health Play outside in the fall

Children's Health Play outside in the fall / Health News

Colds? Children should be allowed to play outside: rain and mud are no reason for children and parents to stay in the apartment. Fresh air is good for your health.


Autumn is here and many autumn diseases are threatening. Low temperatures, rain and fog spoil the fun outdoors in many places. However, this is no reason to spend the days with the children in front of the TV or video games. The Siemens Health Insurance SBK gives tips on how children can enjoy bad weather with their parents and still stay healthy.

Fresh air is good for your health
Fresh air is indispensable for good health. However, with increasingly autumnal weather, many parents are worried that their children might catch a cold if they spend a lot of time outdoors. To cuddle up on the sofa in wet and cold weather, first of all, nothing to object. But also in autumn and winter should be regularly outdoor activities on the plan. Stays in the fresh air strengthen the body's defenses. By switching from high and low temperatures, the immune system is stimulated and strengthened. Good advice is given to those who do not warm their children despite the autumn weather. Too thick clothing is often the real cause of colds, as children give in to their natural urge to move, run and romp a lot and sweat. Children are best dressed according to the onion principle - several layers one above the other, which can be pulled out if necessary. Also, parents should make sure that the clothes keep warm and dry and also provide a good heat exchange, but still leaves enough freedom of movement and does not restrict. Moistened clothes should be changed immediately.

As a rule, children in the wild are hard to stop. But even small couch potatoes can be easily lured in the fall in front of the door. Because there is a lot to discover and to experience: Leaves in all imaginable colors, chestnuts, acorns and beechnuts, which can be collected and used later to play and tinker. Mown fields and meadows provide plenty of space for romping or kite flying, and migratory birds can be seen gathering to make their long journey south.

Warm up warm drinks and watch out for a healthy diet
To warm up after a day in the cool autumn air, hot tea, cocoa or the bathtub are ideal. In cold weather and lots of exercise, children have an increased calorie requirement, which may also be covered with a cup of hot cocoa„, says Elisabeth Lenz-Hieber, nutrition expert at the SBK. "In general, parents should of course always pay attention to a healthy and balanced diet of their children, but especially in the cold season, a supply of healthy food, such as fruits, vegetables and nuts are, it is particularly important." (SBK, SB)

Also read:
Naturopathy: Prevention of autumn diseases
Options of self-treatment in case of cold
Self-treatment flu & colds

Picture credits: Kersten Schröder