Children need exercise for healthy bones

Children need exercise for healthy bones / Health News
Physical activity promotes bone development
In order to develop and feel well, children need regular exercise. That's not new. But scientists at the Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology (BIPS) have now discovered how much physical activity is needed to make the bones of boys and girls strong. The researchers published their findings in the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity..

Sport not only promotes coordination and skill
Regular physical activity is particularly important in children, as it strengthens muscles, stimulates the balance system, trains awareness and promotes coordination and dexterity. Researchers at the Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology (BIPS) have now shown that exercise has a positive effect on bone development even in childhood - while sedentary behavior has a negative impact.

Children need exercise for healthy development. (Image: Cherry-Merry /

Researchers measure the activity of about 4,500 children
According to a statement from the BIPS, the researchers led by Prof. Wolfgang Ahrens investigated around 4,500 children between the ages of two and ten in their study to find out how exercise, sedentary behavior and muscle power combined affect children's bone health and development. For this purpose, they equipped the young subjects with a measuring device, which recorded the movement activity. So they could understand exactly how much time the children sat each time or whether they moved easily, moderately or intensely physically.

At the same time, parents were asked to use a questionnaire to indicate how they are doing sports and how much time they spend in their free time or on the move. In order to determine the muscle strength, jump distance and hand grip force were also measured. Finally, the scientists determined the bone strength by an ultrasound measurement on the heel bone.

Even ten minutes of intense exercise have a positive effect
It has been shown that just ten minutes of additional moderate to intense physical activity per day improves bone strength in preschool and primary school children by up to two percent, the announcement said. Sitting, however, had a negative effect on bone strength. Weight-bearing sports such as foot or basketball as well as jumping rope or racing games had a positive effect. According to the researchers, this is due to the mechanical stresses in these activities, which act directly on the bones and thus favor their structure. For the children, who had moved very little, the researchers noted, however, a lower bone strength.

Get children excited about sports as early as possible
"The foundation for good bone health is laid in childhood, and exercise is fundamental. Moderate to intensive and weight-bearing physical activity accelerates bone formation processes, strengthens bone strength and thus reduces the risk of bone fractures, "says Prof. Dr. med. Wolfgang Ahrens, Deputy Director of the BIPS and co-author of the study. Therefore, according to first author Dr. Diana Herrmann emphasizes, "To get children excited about exercise as early as possible - because in adult life, no new bone mass can be built up, but only the age-related bone loss can be delayed."
The study was conducted as part of the IDEFICS study (Identification and prevention of dietary -and lifestyle-induced health effects in Children and infants). This is the largest European study on child obesity research involving a total of 23 research institutes and companies from eleven European countries and more than 18,000 children aged between two and eleven internationally and their parents. The study ran from 2006 to 2012 and was co-ordinated by the BIPS and the University of Bremen, further studies would now follow in the EU-funded "I.Family study". (No)