Children do not need special kids sunscreen

Children do not need special kids sunscreen / Health News

Sunscreen without fragrances and with a high SPF sufficient


For children, a special children's sunscreen is not required when staying in the sun. Normal sunscreen with a high SPF and without fragrances is sufficient according to the dermatologist Herbert Kirchesch of the National Association of German Dermatologists North Rhine to the news agency „dpa“ completely out of children. In addition, attention should be paid to appropriate clothing.

If the first rays of sunshine reappear after several consecutive rainy days, children who are ready to run independently are automatically drawn outside. They want to frolic and romp outside. Since their skin does not yet have a full sunscreen, the little ones are, however, in a special way dependent on adequate protection from sunscreen and clothing. A special child sun cream, according to the dermatologist Kirchesch, however, not required. This should be understood more as a marketing strategy. Normal sunscreen with a sun protection factor of at least 35 and without fragrance contained fulfill their full purpose here.

Adequate clothing as the basis of the right sunscreen
From the age of one and a half, most children can walk on their own and have the need to spend at least a little time outside during the day. Staying outdoors is good for the children in many ways, with solar radiation being essential, especially for the formation of vitamin D. But on the other hand, the skin of children must be protected from the sun's rays in order to avoid sunburn and thus an increased risk of skin cancer. First of all, you should pay particular attention to appropriate clothing. Lightweight long-sleeved tops and long trousers and a wide sun hat form a good base, but it should be noted that the sun protection factor depends on the condition of the clothing and only a complete light protection is rarely achieved. According to Herbert Kirchesch, the SPF of clothing varies between 20 and 80, depending on the material and fabric density. When wet, clothing is generally more translucent than dry.

SPF of at least 35 in children
The uncovered parts of the body such as hands and face require, according to the dermatologist, a sunscreen with sun creams, whereby the parents, „Instead of buying a special sunscreen for children, pay more attention to a high sun protection factor of at least 35 and the absence of fragrances“ should. The high sun protection factor is required because the skin of children is particularly sensitive to the UV radiation of sunlight and fragrances should not be included as these „often lead to incompatibilities“, explained the expert. Whether the chemical sunscreen could be harmful to children in general, remains according to the dermatologist to date, however, controversial. It is believed that the contained aromatic carbon rings are harmful because of their similarity to hormone-like substances. However, parents who have concerns about sunscreen creams could alternatively use a harmless mineral sunscreen based on titanium dioxide particles, explained Kirchesch. However, this is a bit more complicated to use, as it is more difficult to spread on the skin. Regardless of the chosen sunscreen, according to the dermatologist, playing in the sun between 11am and 3pm should be generally taboo for the kids. (Fp)

Picture: twinlili