Children at Forster Elementary School get cancer

Children at Forster Elementary School get cancer / Health News

School building could be related to children's cancers


After learning that three grade four children have cancer, many parents worry about the health of their children. Meanwhile, the school management is turned on, which has turned to the Deputy Mayor Sven Zuber (CDU). Shortly before the Easter holidays, it should be examined in detail whether a possible contamination of the school building could be responsible for the children's cancer. The health department, the environmental department of the district of Spree-Neisse and the state health department of Brandenburg and the occupational health service are involved in this task, Zuber said in an interview with the online edition of the „Berlin morning mail“. So far, however, there is no indication that the illnesses are in any connection with the school.

Comprehensive investigations should clarify whether school buildings are contaminated with pollutants
„But we take the concerns of the parents very seriously, "emphasized Zuber. „At the moment, we assume that this is an unfortunate accumulation. The cancers of children are different.“ In a parents letter, the deputy mayor writes: „In order to rule out the possibility of health restrictions, we immediately initiated extensive investigations. These include indoor air measurements in the buildings. "In the meantime, the first series of measurements has been carried out: According to Zuber, the samples are analyzed for 50 trace elements in a special laboratory.

„The Nordstadt School was completely refurbished between 2003 and 2005 and is one of the best-equipped schools in the region. "The vice-mayor emphasizes that the brick building is over 100 years old and part of the building was built in 1856. There are a total of twelve classrooms and three specialist rooms housed in it.

„During the holidays, we will carry out further air examinations in the classrooms and in the basement rooms, "said Zuber, who also checks the air on the ground and, as soon as the results are available, organizes an information event for the parents at 03562/989 288 for questions.

Environmental pollution from GDR times could be related to childhood cancer
It is also possible that environmental pollution from GDR times could be linked to childhood cancer. That too, Zuber said, is being studied. „At that time there was a dry cleaning in the city, "said the deputy mayor „Lausitzer Textilreinigung Forst "has used volatile volatile chlorinated hydrocarbons (CHC) as solvent for decades. „The soil was thereby contaminated. The groundwater flow carries the contaminants to the northern city center, "said Zuber, as the Tagesspiegel reported, which resulted in the closure of several playgrounds in the city in 2003.

Some of the hydrocarbons have a high toxicity and are also carcinogenic. Those exposed to the pollutants over a long period of time can develop damage to the central nervous system, liver and kidneys. The carcinogenic effect usually affects the liver, but also kidney, lung, breast and gonadal tumors and leukemia can occur.

„The load with CHC is monitored. The previously measured load is below the limit values“, the vice-mayor continued. „According to environmental experts, a danger can be ruled out. But now we want to underpin this with series of measurements. "

Zuber emphasized that a systematic study of around 260 students and teachers on a possible disease is out of the question at this time. However, if appropriate findings are made during the air investigation, such investigations would also be initiated. According to Zuber, significant results may already be available after the Easter holidays, which will then provide more clarity. (Ag)

> Picture: Helene Souza