Kim Jong Un defeated Mers, Ebola and HIV with panacea

Kim Jong Un defeated Mers, Ebola and HIV with panacea / Health News
"Miracle cure" from North Korea against Mers, Ebola and HIV

"Kumdang-2": This is the name developed in North Korea, which should help against life-threatening diseases such as Mers, Ebola or HIV. In addition, the "miracle cure" can cure cancer and help even with morning sickness. The neighboring South Korea is currently fighting against the introduced respiratory disease Mers.

"Vaccine" against Mers, Ebola and HIV
Worldwide, a report about supposedly groundbreaking research achievements from North Korea makes the rounds. The Communist country claims to have developed a "very effective" vaccine against Mers, Ebola and HIV. According to a news agency AFP, according to the authorities of the isolated country with. According to the state news agency KCNA had been working on the miracle vaccine since 1989. KCNA, as the mouthpiece of North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, keeps praising the country's mammoth achievements - from revolutionary scientific and medical developments to the almost inhumane sporting skills of its leaders. As a rule, the Agency does not provide any evidence for these services. Even after the outbreak of fatal bird flu, the country's authorities had reported having an antidote.

"Miracle cure" from North Korea. Image: B. Wylezich - Fotolia

Miracle drug is supposed to help against cancer and pregnancy sickness
However, the new substance called "Kumdang-2" should be able to do a lot more and, among other things, cure tuberculosis and cancer. In addition, the miracle drug help with pregnancy sickness and "damage resulting from the excessive use of computers". The substance, which was developed by the North Korean pharmaceutical company Pugang, also contains elements of rare earths in addition to ginseng extracts. But not only from North Korea is reported on alleged panacea: For years, the Americans Jim Humble regularly makes headlines. The miracle drug Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS) developed by him helps, among other things, against AIDS, malaria, cancer, herpes and dementia. German authorities have long warned against the drug and point out that this is not a drug.

South Korea is fighting Mers
The report on the North Korean remedy, which will also help Mers, coincides with South Korea's fight against Middle East-induced respiratory disease. So far there is no vaccine against Mers. Since the disease erupted in May, around two dozen people have died in South Korea, with 165 infected. According to the South Korean authorities, more than 5,000 people are still in quarantine. The disease is usually associated with flu-like symptoms, such as fever, cough and shortness of breath. In severe cases but can also develop pneumonia and it can lead to kidney failure. The Mers virus was first detected in 2012 in Saudi Arabia. Since then, illnesses have occurred in various parts of the world after the pathogen has been introduced. Among others in Germany, where a few weeks ago a Mers patient died in Lower Saxony. (Ad)

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