Killer cells in the mother's belly identified - therapy against miscarriages possible?

Killer cells in the mother's belly identified - therapy against miscarriages possible? / Health News

How natural killer cells promote embryo growth

Researchers were able to observe natural killer cells in large populations at the interface between the mother and her embryo in women during early pregnancy. However, the role of killer cells in embryonic growth has been unclear. But now Chinese researchers at the University of Science and Technology of China in Hefei have decoded the function of killer cells. Apparently, the killer cells secrete molecules that promote the growth of the embryo.

Pregnancy is a complicated process that requires both the promotion of embryonic growth and the maintenance of immune tolerance. Among the immune cells, natural killer cells, which are cellular components of the blood, are only present in large populations at the mother-embryo interface during early pregnancy, and decrease as the placenta is formed. In the current study, published in the journal Cell Immunity, the researchers document the killer cell's unique ability to develop the embryo.

Natural killer cells promote fetal growth in early pregnancy. (Image: unlimit3d /

Killer cells as development workers

According to the scientists, the killer cells have an influence on a large number of processes in the early embryonic growth phase. These include the promotion of placental vascular growth, decidualization, trophoblast invasion and immune imbalance. The killer cells secrete molecules that have a direct impact on placentation and birth weight. In women who had miscarriages, a smaller population of these killer cells could be detected. Another connection was found by the Chinese scientists in experiments with pregnant mice. The growth of unborn mice was significantly disturbed in the absence of killer cells.

Therapy for miscarriage conceivable

The results of the study show the properties of natural killer cells in promoting embryonic growth. In addition, the work proposes approaches for the therapeutic administration of natural killer cells to counteract certain abnormal processes in the early pregnancy phase. "The adoptive transmission of induced uterine-like natural killer cells as a cell treatment for fetuses has many benefits," write the authors of the study. The killer cells could be transmitted to the mother intravenously or via a vaginal capsule, without the need for invasive surgery. This procedure would be much gentler for mother and fetus. According to the researchers, additional studies are needed to induce uterine-like killer cells in a human system. The feasibility of the application in patients had to be improved. (Fp)