Whooping cough infections in Germany at a new high

Whooping cough infections in Germany at a new high / Health News
Whooping cough wave in Germany continues to spread
In recent times, an unusually large number of people in Germany have had whooping cough (pertussis). The childhood disease, which also occurs in adults, is especially dangerous for infants. There were even a few deaths in the past year.

Number of whooping cough infections at a new high
Whooping cough (pertussis) occurs throughout the year, but in autumn and winter, infections are generally more common. As the news agency dpa reports, the number of whooping cough infections in Germany has risen to a new high. Accordingly, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) registered a total of 22,119 cases in 2016. These were by far the most since the start of nationwide registration in 2013.

The number of whooping cough infections in Germany has risen to a new high. The disease can be particularly dangerous for infants. (Image: Coloures-pic / fotolia.com)

Especially dangerous for infants
At that time, there were around 12,600 patients per year, around 14,000 in 2015. "We probably see both here: a wave of disease, but also an increasingly better detection," said Wiebke Hellenbrand, infection researcher at the RKI.

Benefits are infections by picking. Particularly dangerous is the disease for infants. According to the information, three babies in Germany died of the infection in 2016 - that was untypical.

Since the beginning of the year, 1,554 new whooping cough patients have been reported to the RKI. Hellenbrand assumes that the wave also has to do with a typical cycle of pathogens.

According to RKI, cyclical increases in pertussis were observed at intervals of four to six years. In the east of Germany, whooping cough infections have been recorded since 2002. Highlights were therefore the years 2007 and 2012 - so the time could be ripe again.

Transmission is by droplet infection
According to Hellenbrand, about 10,000 infants per year died of whooping cough each year before vaccination in Germany since the 1930s.

Transmission of the highly contagious infectious disease "is by droplet infection, which can be done by close contact with an infectious person, by large droplets within a distance of up to about 1 meter by coughing, sneezing or speaking," write the experts of the RKI on their website.

"Adolescents and adults play an important role as transmitters on infants," it continues. The incubation period is usually nine to ten days (range: six to 20 days).

Most children are protected at school enrollment
According to the latest RKI data, almost 97 percent of children in East Germany and 95 percent in West Germany were protected against whooping cough during school enrollment in 2014.

According to experts, whooping cough is difficult to recognize in adults, it is only every fifth to tenth, depending on age. It is said that a third of young parents have vaccine protection, and one in five pregnant women. But families with small children are considered the main risk group.

"Whooping cough is not yet completely in the consciousness of the population and also with general practitioners," said Hellenbrand. To make matters worse, that the vaccine has its pitfalls and always needs to be refreshed. "But we have nothing better."

Primary immunization for children
The Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO) recommends starting the vaccine against whooping cough, which consists of four vaccine doses, from the age of two months and completing it by the 14th month of life at the latest.

At the age of five to six and from nine to 17 years, the vaccine should be refreshed once each.

According to the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA), the injection site may become swollen, achy or red after vaccination. In addition, increased temperature, shivering, fatigue, muscle pain and gastrointestinal complaints are possible. The symptoms usually resolve after three days at the latest.

People without protection can get infected again
In addition, according to the RKI, certain adults are among the target groups for the vaccine if no pertussis vaccine has taken place in the past 10 years: "health care personnel and community facilities", "women of childbearing potential" and "close household contact persons (parents, siblings) and Carers (eg childminders, babysitters, possibly grandparents) of infants at least four weeks before the birth of the child ".

For them, a pertussis protection along with the revitalization for tetanus and diphtheria recommended - but often simply forgotten. "Probably the recommended distance of ten years is not enough," says Hellenbrand. If the vaccine goes out, people can get infected again after the infection has been overcome.

Babies from unvaccinated mothers have no protection until the first immunization opportunity at the age of two months. Therefore, there are considerations, pregnant women generally recommend the vaccine, said the expert. The whooping cough research is now progressing with the obligation to register. "We have never had so much data." (Ad)