By no means cotton swabs which instead helps against itchy ears

By no means cotton swabs which instead helps against itchy ears / Health News

Do not use cotton swabs on earhooks

It can get really uncomfortable when it itches in the ears. Nevertheless, should be used in such cases under no circumstances on cotton swabs, health experts advise. Because then threaten ear injuries. The annoying itching can usually be tackled with simple home remedies.

If the ears itch, it is better to see the doctor

If the ears suddenly start to itch, it can be very uncomfortable. Often, in this case, cotton swabs are used to put an end to the itching. But it should definitely be avoided. According to experts, the rods should not be used to clean the ears or to prevent the itching - because poking around in the ear can be dangerous and lead to nasty injuries. Try to treat the ear with simple home remedies and look for a doctor in case of prolonged problems in any case.

Ear itching can be very uncomfortable. Nevertheless, one should not poke around with cotton swabs or other objects in the ear. Simple home remedies can usually help against the itching. (Image: vladimirfloyd /

Earwax often causes unpleasant itching

Ear itching often occurs quite suddenly and can become an annoying problem. Mostly skin irritation (such as shampoo, hair spray or dry air) or stuck earwax are the trigger.

Likewise, e.g. Skin lichen or atopic dermatitis also affect the ear canal or the auricle and thereby lead to severe itching.

Those affected often resort to cotton swabs or sharp objects such as pencils, paper clips or knitting needles to eliminate the itching.

But this form of "treatment" is very dangerous, because the poking and poking the sensitive skin of the ear canal and the inner ear can be injured quickly and cause infections.

Under certain circumstances, even the eardrum can be pierced by the pointed instruments.

Schüssler salts against the itching

Accordingly, it should be urgently refrained from handling objects with his ear. Instead, home remedies and natural remedies can often be a good help.

This includes, for example, vinegar, because it relieves the itching and at the same time has a decongestant effect. For the application, boiled water is mixed with a high-quality apple vinegar in a ratio of 10: 1 and a piece of cotton wool is soaked in the solution. Dab gently the ear canal.

In naturopathy itchy ears depending on the cause, e.g. Bee resin (propolis), evening primrose oil and medicinal plants such as nasturtium for use.

In the mineral therapy with Schüßler salts, inter alia, the salts No. 3 (Ferrum Phosphoricum) and No. 4 (potassium chloratum) are administered.

Flushing the doctor raises earwax plug

If tight ear wax is the cause, ear flushing can help the doctor.

If the itching lasts longer and / or if further symptoms occur, such as ear pressure, earache or fever, a doctor should definitely be consulted.

Because often in this case an inflammation is the cause, which must be treated accordingly. If the itching always starts in certain situations (for example after showering), an allergy test is recommended by the dermatologist or allergist. (no, ad)