No contact & no maintenance Child does not have to pay a parent later

No contact & no maintenance Child does not have to pay a parent later / Health News
Child does not have to pay a parent later
Oldenburg (jur). If a father breaks off any contact with his daughter and pays no support for years, he can later demand no parental maintenance from the adult child. This would be "grossly unreasonable", decided the Higher Regional Court (OLG) Oldenburg in a decision announced on Thursday, February 9, 2017 (Ref .: 4 UF 166/15).

In this case, the parents had separated in the dispute. The father paid for his needy daughter, despite his gainful employment over six years, no maintenance. He even broke all the bridges to her. By registered mail he had told after the separation from the mother that he no longer wanted to know anything about his old family.


But when the man became needy in old age, now his adult daughter should pay him parent maintenance.

But that would be "grossly unfair" for the daughter, was now clear to the Higher Regional Court in its decision of 4 January 2017. In principle, although adult children are dependent on their needy parents, but not in any case.

Here the father himself had not complied with his previous maintenance obligations towards the child for more than six years, although he would have been able to do so. Also, he had canceled the contact completely by registered mail. This was "a violation of the paternal duty of assistance and consideration." The fact that the father had invited the daughter to his new wedding and she had later visited him once in the hospital, was not an indication of a restoration of the father-daughter relationship, the OLG.

Although a break in contact usually does not lead to a loss of maintenance entitlement. But here the father himself grossly violated his maintenance obligations. Therefore, the daughter had been economically ill as a child and had to learn the "emotional cold" because of the contact abort. Both together lead to her not having to stand up for her father. fle / mwo