No sunbathing in old age

No sunbathing in old age / Health News

The skin of seniors is sensitive to pronounced sunbathing


With age, the skin becomes more sensitive to the sun, which is why adequate sun protection is particularly important for senior citizens. Since the skin experiences very many hours of sunshine in the course of life, it reacts much more sensitive to intense sunlight in old age. „We clearly see light-damaged skin in old age“, quotes the news agency „dpa“ the Duisburg dermatologist Hanspeter Prieur.

According to the dermatologist, light damage to the skin is much more common today than it was a few years ago. Here also play a role that „Hats have gone out of fashion“ are and „Seniors much more often in the south“ to travel. The expert speaks of a summation effect. In order to minimize the risk of serious damage to health due to inflammation or even skin cancer, seniors should not hold pronounced sunbathing in old age, according to the expert. A sunburn should be avoided in any case.

Various medications increase photosensitivity
How much sun the skin copes with in old age depends on the skin type, the UV radiation and other risk factors, such as the intake of phototoxic drugs. According to the dermatologist, these drugs, which increase the light sensitivity of the hat, include, for example, beta-blockers. The German Dermatological Society e.V. (DDG) mentions as possible photosensitizers, which can cause an increased sunburn, in addition, active substances such as „Quinolones, chlorpromazine, amiodarone, hydrochlorothiazide, quinidine, demethylchlorotetracycline and other tetracyclines.“ Whether drugs require increased photosensitivity or phototoxicity is, according to Hanspeter Prieur on the leaflet to recognize. Seniors should be aware of this possibly present medical-related risk when staying in the sun and not least for this reason carefully read the leaflets. (Fp)

Picture credits: William Veder